Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT CAROL STREAM
Thursday,September 11 2014
Group Warm Up! MAX EFFORT Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ WOD For as Many Rounds As Possible in 13 minutes complete the following: 9 Power Cleans
Yoga at 11am!!!!! Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3+ WOD 21-15-9 rep rounds for time of: Sumo-DeadLift-High-Pull 95/65lb Box Jumps 30/24″ Post
Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 3,3,3,3,3+ WOD Run to Gary Ave 15 Shoulder Press 95/65lb Run to Gary Ave 15 Push Press
Group Warm Up! (if you want to participate in the warm up is highly recommended that you show up on the hour) MAX EFFORT Back
Open Gym From 9:30am until Noon! You all know the drill. Come in and do a Gymnastics WOD!
Group Warm Up!! Skill Development Snatch WOD 3 rounds for time of: 21 Hang Power Snatches 75/50lb 21 Box Jumps 24/20″ Cash out:
Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5+ Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ WOD/Conditioning Tabata Row The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10
Yoga this morning at 7am!! Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Shoulder press 5,5,5,5,5+ Ring Row 5,5,5,5,5 (Do these after each round of shoulder press)
Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Overhead Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ WOD For time: Run to Gary Ave 30 burpees, jumping over
We will be closed today. Your WOD assignment is: Go do something active. Even if it is active stretching, riding a bike, going to the
****ATTENTION- First the gym will be hosting “Dupage PADS Mike lifts 100 tons” on Saturday the 30th of August from 8am until 4pm. There will be NO OPEN
****ATTENTION- First the gym will be hosting “Dupage PADS Mike lifts 100 tons” on Satruday the 30th of August from 8am until 4pm. There will
Group Warm Up! WOD 3 rounds for time of: 400m run 10 Power Cleans 135/95lb 15 Barbell facing burpees* *You must do the
Yoga at 7am!!! Active Group Warm Up! “Fight Gone Bad!“ Three rounds of: Wall-ball, 20/14 pound ball, 10/9 ft target (Reps) Sumo deadlift
Group Warm Up! WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 4 Handstand Push Ups 8 L-Pull Ups* The standard for the “L” pull up is
Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT: Front Squat 1 rep max WOD 3 rounds for time of: 15 Squat Clean 115/80 15 Lateral over
Open Gym From 9:30am until Noon! Come in and see Joanie. Make up a WOD, or a 1 rep max you missed. Or just
Active GROUP Warm Up!! Skill Work: Snatch WOD 5 rounds for time of: 12 reps of Snatch Grip Deadlift 95/65lb 12 reps of Hang
Group Warm Up!! WOD 5 rounds for time of: 10 Grasshoppers 15 Weighted Walking Lunges 55/35lb 20 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb Post times to
Remember YOGA at 7am today!! Active Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Deadlift 1 rep max WOD 5 rounds for time of: 9 Thrusters
Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 1 rep max WOD AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 3 power cleans 155/110lb 6 Elevated Push Ups
Active, Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Back Squat 1 rep max WOD 8 minute AMRAP Run 400m 80 burpees Row for Calories.
Hours are as follows: 0930 until 1100 is open gym. From 1100-1200 will be a TEAM WOD. Lets have fun!!
TEAM WOD Saturday at 11am! Group Warm Up!!! WOD As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 2 Wall Climbs 4
TEAM WOD this Saturday at 11am!! Active/Group Warm Up!! WOD/MAX EFFORT 3 rounds of Row 500 Rest as needed Run 400m Rest as needed
Yoga will resume at 7am today! Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5 (deload week, no plus) WOD “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps of: Squat Clean
Group Warm Up! MAX EFFORT Shoulder press 5,5,5,5,5 (no plus, this is a de-loading week) WOD 3 rounds for time of: 21 Wall Balls
Group Warm Up! MAX EFFORT Overhead Squat 5,3,3,1,1+ WOD 30 Back Squats* 135/95lb** Run 1 mile *Squats, we are looking for GOOD squats, there
OPEN GYM from 9:30am until Noon! You know the drill… Make up a WOD or a lift you missed, Do mobility, Coffee?
Group Warm Up! WOD “Helen” 3 rounds for time of: Run 400m 21 Kettlebell swings 55/35lb 12 pull ups Post times to comments…..
August 30th Mike D. will be lifting 100 tons for the Dupage PADs charity. We will be hosting it at our gym Saturday the 30th
Active Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Deadlift 5,3,3,1,1+ WOD 2 rounds for time of: Run to Gary ave Farmers walk 200m with two 55/35lb (one
Active Warm Up! MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 5,3,3,1,1+ WOD 5 rounds for time of: 21 right arm Dumbbell power Snatch 35/25lb 30 reps
Active Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Back Squat 5,3,3,1,1+ Snatch 3,3,3,2,2 (70,75,75, 80,85%) WOD For time: Row 500m 50 burpees 50 one legged squats alternating
Open Gym From 9:30am until noon! Come in for a gymnastics WOD. Make up a lift or workout that you missed. Do mobility and have
Active Warm Up!! Gymnastic warm up…. WOD “Running Grace” 5 rounds for time of: Run 400m 6 Clean and Jerks 135/95lb Post loads and
Active Warm Up!!! WOD “Barbara“ Five rounds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups (once again the standard is CHEST TO DECK)
Yoga at 7am today!! Max Effort Hang Squat Clean 3,3,3,3,3 Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3+ GHD sit ups 50 reps Hip and back Ext 50 reps
MAX EFFORT Shoulder press 3,3,3,3+ WOD 50-35-20 rep rounds of: Russian Swing 55/35lb Wall Ball 20/14lb Kettlebell Clean and Jerk 55/35lb* With the
MAX EFFORT Overhead Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ Back Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ WOD Starting each round with a 400m run do: 21-18-15-12 rep rounds of Burpees
Open Gym from 9:30am until Noon!! Come make up a WOD, work on Olympic lifts, do mobility. Or just come have coffee and then see
Active Warm Up!! WOD/MAX EFFORT Two rounds of the following two AMRAPS with a 5 minute rest between AMRAPS. AMRAP 5 minutes to
Active Warmup! MAX EFFORT Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ WOD 10,8,6,4,2, rep rounds of 135/95lb Squat Cleans 50,40,30,20,10 rep rounds of Sit ups Post loads
Yoga at 7am!!!!! Active Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5+ Box Jump 3,3,3,3,3 at 85% or higher. WOD 5 rounds for time of: 100
MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 5,5,5,5,5+ Split Jerk 5,3,3,2,1,1, WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes 3 wall climbs 6 up downs 9 toes to bar
MAX EFFORT Hang Squat Snatch 5,3,2,2,1, Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ Conditioning- 10 minutes of: Every Minute on the minute Sprint 50m (when you cross the
OPEN GYM FROM 9:30am until Noon Come make up a WOD, do mobility, or hangout and have coffee.
Active Warm Up WOD 21-18-15-12- and 9 rep rounds of:95/65 pound Deadlift95/65 pound Hang power clean95/65 pound Front squat95/65 pound Push jerk Post loads
There is NO YOGA tonight. WOD Run to Gary Ave. then complete 5 rounds: 10 Kettlebell Swings 70/55 10 Box Jumps 30/24 Then… finish with
Yoga at 7am this morning! Active Warm Up!! WOD/MAX EFFORT You have 7 minutes to complete the following with 100% effort. row 250m 10 wall
WOD/MAX EFFORT 10 Minutes of Max Double unders Rest 10 Minutes to find a Two Hands Anyhow Max* Rest as needed… 5 Minutes of Kettlebell
Active Warm Up WOD/MAX EFFORT: It is also labeled a ‘Max Effort’ because every round should be a 100% effort. Each round of 4 minutes
Open Gym from 9:30am until Noon!!! Come in for a WOD, a lift or just coffee and good company!
Active Warm Up… Skill Development Gymnastics. We will work on basic gymnastic movements which may include the following: Skin the Cat Handstand Pirohoutte Pass throughs
YOGA TONIGHT AT 7pm!!!! Active Warm Up!!! WOD 3 rounds for time of: Run 400m 21 One legged Squats alternating 21 Grasshoppers Post
Yoga today at 7am!!!!! WOD 5 rounds for time of: 3 Cleans (go heavy, and you may power or squat clean) 20 burpees
Active Warm Up… “CrossFit Total“ Back squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Deadlift, 1 rep Post total to comments. Anyone in a position
I hope everyone had a great weekend celebrating this great countries 238th birthday! We will start the week with a bodywieght cardio WOD and then
Thursday July 3, 2014
Hours: 4th-6th of July closed. 4(00) for the 4th!!!! “ANGIE” for time: 100 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Squats
Wednesday July 2, 2014
YOGA… 7:00 am, nice! Skill development: Turkish get-up WOD: AMRAP 10 minutes: 10 Wallballs (20/14) 10 Burpees No YOGA Thursday night… this
Tuesday July 1, 2014
Today marks our one year anniversary doing WODs at 163 E. St. Charles Rd. What a GREAT year it has been! Active Warm-up (1-2)
Monday June 30, 2014
Fourth of July Week… Let’s have some fun this week! Active Warm-up (1-2 rounds) WOD: 4 rounds for time: 9 Thrusters (95/65) 12 Walking lunges
WOD 4 rounds for time of: Run to Gary Ave 15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55lb 12 Chest to bar pull ups Post loads and times
MAX EFFORT Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5, (deload) WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes: 10 Squat Cleans 115/80lb 10 Barbell facing burpees (you must jump over the
YOGA CLASS AT 7am Today!! WOD 50-35-20 rep rounds of: Double unders* Kettlebell swings 55/35lb Sit ups** *if you are capable of doing 50 doubles
MAX EFFORT Deadlift 5,5,5 (40,50,60%) WOD 3 rounds for time of: 21 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls 95/65lb 21 Toes to bar 21 Wall Balls 20/14lb Post
MAX EFFORT Back squat 5,5,5 (40,50,60%) Shoulder press 5,5,5 (40,50,60%) WOD AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 4 wall climbs 8 Grasshoppers 12 one legged squats
Open Gym From 9:30am until Noon. Come make up a lift you missed or a WOD, and of course you are always encouraged to do
WOD “Helen” 3 rounds for time of: Run 400m 21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb 12 pull ups Post times to comments….
MAX EFFORT Front Squat 5,3,3,1,1+ WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6 rounds of: Wall balls 20/14lb Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/50lb Double unders post loads and times
MAX EFFORT Deadlift 5,3,3,1,1+ WOD 3 rounds of 15 Power Clean 155/105 15 Box Jumps 24/20 Post loads and times to comments…..
MAX EFFORT Shoulder press 5,3,3,1,1+ WOD AMRAP in 15 Minutes of: 15 Dumbbell Squat Snatch 35/25lb (alternate arms at your desire) 30 sit ups
Active Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Overhead Squat 5,3,3,1,1+ Back Squat 5,3,3,1,1+ WOD Run to Gary Ave. Then 2 rounds of: 21 Pull ups 21
OPEN GYM FROM 9:30-Noon!! Come do a WOD, make up a MAX EFFORT or have coffee and do mobility!!
MAX EFFORT Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3+ WOD “Jackie” 1000m row 50 thrusters 45/30lb Barbell 30 pull ups For time…. Post loads and times to comments…
PALEO CHALLENGE!!!! Active Warm Up MAX EFFORT Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ Squat Clean 3,3,3,3,3 (find a 3 rep max with good form) NO WOD. If
******ATTENTION******Do not FORGET!!! We have a 7am YOGA For the CrossFit athlete today!! Active Warm Up MAX EFFORT Tabata Push Up The Tabata interval
Active Warm Up! MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 3,3,3,3,3+ WOD 4 rounds for time of: 15 Hang Power Snatch 75/50lb 15 Toes To bar Post
Active Warm up! MAX EFFORT Back Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ (70,80,80,90,90%) Box Jump 2,2,2,2,2 (at 80%) WOD 3 rounds for time: 30 Weighted Box Step ups 24/20″
Active Warm Up MOBILITY/ Paleo Talk….. FULL REPORTS. WOD 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Power Snatch 95/65lb Pull Ups Burpees Post loads and times to
Active Warm Up… MAX EFFORT Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ WOD 3 rounds for time of: Run 400m 15 Dumbbell Thrusters 35/25lb 15 Grasshoppers Post
Active Warm-up MAX EFFORT Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5+ WOD 12 minute AMRAP of: 12 Russian Swings (GO HEAVY)* 7 Ring Push ups (standard is the ring
Active Warm up! MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 5,5,5,5,5+ WOD 5 rounds for time of: 9 Hang Power Cleans 115/80lb 9 Push Press/Jerk 115/80lb 9
Our Active Warm Up…. MAX EFFORT Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ (65,75,75,85,85%) The only (+) round is the final 85% Conditioning: For time: Row 500m: 50
Open Gym From 9:30am until Noon. Come do mobility, make up a WOD or Lift. Work on a GOAL!!
Please read the all of the following: MAX EFFORT Snatch… Skill Work, 1 rep max WOD A (if you can do an unassisted pull up)
Please bring your answers in, post them to comments, email a coach, or post to Facebook in our group: How is the Paleo Challenge going
MAX EFFORT Clean & Jerk 1 rep max (you may squat or power clean) WOD 5 rounds for time of: 5 Wall Climbs 10
WOD Run 400m 21 Burppees 21 Pull ups 21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb Run to Gary ave 21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb 21 Pull Ups 21 Burpees
WE ARE CLOSED ON MEMORIAL DAY. Remember the Fallen! Murph for Miller is today at CrossFit Tri-Cities! If you cannot make it to their
Holiday HOURS: Saturday normal hours, Monday Memorial Day we are CLOSED. Murph For Miller is this Friday and Saturday! Follow this link if you plan on going
We will be open Saturday our normal hours. Monday Memorial Day we will be closed.
Murph For Miller is this Friday and Saturday! Follow this link if you plan on going out to CrossFit Tri Citites in Saint Charles to participate there. Otherwise we
Murph For Miller is this Friday and Saturday! Follow this link if you plan on going out to CrossFit Tri Citites in Saint Charles to participate there. Otherwise we
Murph For Miller is this Friday and Saturday! Follow this link if you plan on going out to CrossFit Tri Citites in Saint Charles to participate there. Otherwise we
We have a busy week this week. We will be doing most of our 1 rep max lifts this week, and we will be doing Murph
Murph For Miller is next week! Follow this link if you plan on going out to CrossFit Tri Citites in Saint Charles to participate there. Otherwise we will be
Murph For Miller is next week! Follow this link if you plan on going out to CrossFit Tri Citites in Saint Charles to participate there.