Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT CAROL STREAM



WOD/EMOM 5 Rounds of the following- First minute: Back Squat* max reps Second Minute: Push ups max reps Third minute: Strict pull ups max reps

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Happy Birthday to my friend and fellow trainer Mike Rohl!! WOD! AMRAP in 19:59 60 Sit ups 400m run 26 wall balls Before or after

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Bodyweight Strength Day! You will have two minutes per each exercise for 20 minutes Strict Muscle ups (no kipping) Strict handstand push ups (no kipping)

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WOD 18 minute AMRAP 10 Cleans 95/65lb (squat or power) 30 Double unders 8 Cleans 115/80 30 Double unders 6 Cleans 135/95lb 30 Double unders

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EMOM 21 Minutes First Minute: Front Squat 5 reps 80-83% of 1 rep Second Minute: Strict Pull Up 7 reps Third Minute: 10 Strict Push

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WOD 3 Rounds for time of: Run 400m 20 Walking Lunges 20 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb (dropping the bell is a NO rep). 20 Burpees Post

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Good Friday

There will NOT be an 18:30 (6:30pm) class. We will only have a 16:30 & 17:30 (4:30 & 5:30pm) class tomorrow night. Morning hours will

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WOD For time: 60 Dumbell Sea Saw* Push Press 50/35lb 60 One legged Squats (alternating). *Sea Saw means you will hold a dumbbell in each

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WOD “Adrian“ Seven rounds for time of: 3 Forward rolls 5 Wall climbs 7 Toes to bar 9 Box jumps, 30″ box Post time to

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WOD 5 rounds for time of: 9 deadlifts 5 squat cleans 3 thrusters You must complete each exercise entirely before starting the next one. For

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WOD “Cindy” Amrap in 20 minutes of 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Squats Post total rounds to the Zen

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WOD 21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds for time of: Dumbbell Power Snatch (reps per arm alternating, i.e. 42,36,30,24 & 18 total reps) 50/35lb Box Jumps Burpees Post

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EMOM First 2 minutes 10 push presses and max rep sit ups Second 2 minutes (add weight) 9 push presses and max rep sit ups

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5 Rounds for time of: 6 hang Power Cleans 155/110lb 12 Toes to bar 24 Wall Balls Post times to the Zen.

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WOD Snatches (squat) 30 reps for time….. You will do 30 snatches for a total weight. This will be timed, you may add or remove

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WOD 5 rounds for time of: Run 200m 6 Strict Pull ups 12 Push ups 24 Walking lunges Post times to the Zen.

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EMOM 20 minutes Even: Front Squat 3 reps @ 75% of 1 rep max Odd: Max Double unders* Your total number of double unders will

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EMOM For twenty minutes… Even: 3x Cleans (squat) Odd: 5x Ring Dips OR regular dips. Then: Box Back squats: 3×5 @ 80% of 1 rep

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WOD 20 minute TIME CAP: 100 pull ups 200 push ups 300 squats You may partition the reps anyway necessary. Post total reps completed to

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Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 thrusters 7 hang power cleans 10 sumo deadlift high pulls Men: 95 lb.Women: 65

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WOD 5 Rounds NOT for time 10 weighted front rack walking lunges Then: 10 minutes of front and back scales 10 minutes of L-sit practice

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WOD 5 Rounds for time of: 5 Muscle ups (rings) 20 Kettlebell Clean and jerks 55/35lb (10 per arm in any order) Post times to

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WOD You will have 20 minutes to complete the following: 30 Back Squats at 80% of your 1 rep max 50 handstand Push ups You

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WOD EMOM 21 Minutes First minute: Power Clean 5 reps @ 80% of 1 rep max* Second minute: Double unders max reps Third minute: Sit

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Friday! 19.5

Open Workout 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Chest-to-bar pull-ups Men 95 lb. Women 65 lb. Post time or reps to comments, and/or submit

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WOD: Active Rest Day. Warm up and then do mobility on shoulders and hamstrings. 19.5 is Friday, they could throw anything at us, but thrusters

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WOD Power clean 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps. (touch and go on the 5 and 3 rep rounds) Practice the L-sit for 10 minutes. Practice front and back

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WOD 3 rounds each for time Row 500m 15 thrusters 135/95lb Rest….. Post times for each round to the whiteboard and to the Zen.

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WOD: 3 rounds for max reps of: Dumbbell bench press on/with med ball support 50/35lbStrict pull-ups Post reps completed to the Zen.

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Open Workout 19.4 For total time: 3 rounds of: 10 snatches 12 bar-facing burpees Rest 3 minutes Then, 3 rounds of: 10 bar muscle-ups 12

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WOD Not for time: 10 minutes of scale practice 10 minutes of handstand practice 10 minutes of L-sit practice 10 minutes of stretchi OR: 3

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WOD AMRAP in 22 minutes Run 1 lap around the building* Rest precisely 1 minute *while running around the building, in front of the building

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WOD 3 rounds for time: Row 500 meters 15 strict pull-ups 30 push-ups Then, Practice L-sits for 10 minutes. Post time to the Zen.

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CrossFit Total You will have 45 minute to complete all three lifts. You will warm up loads and then be allowed 3 attempts at each

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Open Workout 19.3!! For time: 200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge 50 dumbbell box step-ups 50 strict handstand push-ups 200-ft. handstand walk Men: 50-lb. dumbbell / 24-in.

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WOD: Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps Again the 5 rep rounds and the 3 rep rounds are touch and go. ALL lifts must be lowered tothe ground

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WOD Tabata Front Scale alternating between right and left 8 intervals of each Rest 1 minute Tabata Back Scale alternating between right and left 8

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WOD For 20 minutes perform: Strict pull-ups – push-ups – squats 5-10-15 reps    If you can finish 5 rounds by 5:00, switch to: 10-20-30

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WOD On a 9-minute clock, 3 rounds for max reps of: 1-minute handstand hold 2 minutes of wall-ball shots In round 1, subtract 5 reps

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Open WOD 19.2 Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:   25 toes-to-bars   50 double-unders   15 squat cleans, 135

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Weightlifting: Push jerk 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps Conditioning: MOBILITY Post loads to the Whiteboard and to the Zen.

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WOD Partner 5K row. Grab a friend and row 5,000m. Rules: Set the rower at 5,000m and have it countdown to zero for an accurate

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Weightlifting: Overhead squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps Conditioning: 3 rounds of 10 reps each GHD sit ups Hip and Back Extensions Bumper raises Post loads to the

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WOD 5 rounds for time of: 6 hand release pull ups, alternating* 20 dumbbell power snatches alternating(go heavy).** *With athlete hanging on the pull up

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Open Workout 19.1 Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 19 wall-ball shots 19-cal. row M 20-lb. wall ball to 10 ft.

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Today is the Eve of the Open workout 19.1. We will be doing mobility in preparation for the big day. Please come in and learn

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Weightlifting: Clean and jerk 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps Work up to a heavy set of 5, and then attempt a 5 rep max, from there go onto

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WOD 3 rounds for time of: 21 hip-back extensions 21 GHD sit-ups 21 burpees over the bar 21 inverted burpees If you have NOT been

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WOD Strict Fran 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Strict pull-ups Men: 95 lb. Women: 65 lb. Post time to comments

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WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes 4 Handstand push ups 8 Toes to bar 12 Kettlebell swings 55/35lb Post rounds to the Zen.

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WOD/Weightlifting 5 rounds NOT for time: 5 Front Squats (pick a moderate weight but no more than 75%) 30 second superman hold 10 Mountain climbers

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WOD 4 rounds of: 1 minute for max reps of walking lunges 1 minute for max reps of grasshoppers 1 minute for max reps of

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WOD AMRAP in 14 minutes 7 Overhead Squats 115/80lb 7 Strict Pull ups Post rounds to the Zen.

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WOD “The Chief“ Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 135/95 pound Power cleans, 3 reps 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a

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WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes 10 One legged squats alternating 20 Double unders 30 Sit ups Post rounds completed to the Zen.

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Weightlifting: Hang Snatch 3×3 Snatch 5×1 Overhead Squat 3×5 Snatch Push Press 3×5 Post loads to the Whiteboard and the Zen.

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WOD 21-18-15-12-9 and 6 rep rounds for time of: Dumbbell power cleans 50/35lbs (with a pair of d-bells) Burpee Box Jumps 24/20” Post times to

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WOD 5 rounds for time of: 5 Back Squats at 80% 10 STRICT toes to bar 1 minute handstand hold Although this workout is for

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WOD 3 Five minute rounds each of: 30 Calories and as many rounds of Strict Cindy as you can do. 5 Strict Pull ups 10

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WOD For time: 50 box jumps 50 jumping pull-ups 50 kettlebell swings 50 walking-lunge steps 50 knees-to-elbows 50 push presses 50 back extensions 50 wall-ball

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We are CLOSED for the morning classes. We will re-open at 16:30 (4:30pm) WOD Isabel 30 snatches for time Men: 135 lb. Women: 95 lb.

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WOD 15 minutes AMRAP* 3 Deadlifts 2 Hang SQUAT cleans 1 Jerk (push/split) *this is not an amrap to do as many rounds as possible,

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WOD Five 5 minute rounds of: 1 Minute of Strict pull ups 1 Minute of Push ups 1 Minute of Sit ups 1 Minute of

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WOD 5 rounds for time of: 9 Toes to bar 9 Hang Power Cleans 155/110lb Post times to the Zen.

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Weightlifting: Back Squat 10×3 @ 80-85% If you do not have a 1 rep max, use this time to find it. Conditioning: Spend about 5-10

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WOD 10 Minute AMRAP of: 7 Dumbbell Bench Press* (go as heavy as you can) 5 Strict L-Pull ups Then: with NO rest after AMRAP

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EMOM for 20 minutes: Even: 3 Power Snatch Odd: 3 Overhead Squats You may add or reduce weight for each lift as needed. Work on

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WOD A 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of: Strict muscle-ups Single-leg squats, right leg Single-leg squats, left leg WOD B 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of: muscle-ups

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WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of: Deadlift Hang Power Clean Front Squat Push Jerk Men use 95lb, Women use 65lb. Post times to the Zen.

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Weightlifting: 5 Three Minute Rounds 10 Weighted Front Rack Walking Lunges 7/5 Strict Pull ups L-Sit Max time Rest….. You will have 3 minutes to

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WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 Handstand push ups 10 lateral jumps over a height of 24/20” 15 Kettlebell swings 55/35lb Post rounds to the

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Weightlifting/Skill development: For 30 minutes you will start with a light barbell and complete 3 squat snatches. You may add weight or repeat the weight

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WOD Cindy, Strict! Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 strict pull-ups 10 honest push-ups 15 squats Post rounds completed to

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WOD For time complete the following: 50 Double unders 50 Burpees 50 One legged squats (alternating) 50 Sit ups 50 Box Jumps 24/20” 50 Calories

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Weightlifting: Split Jerks 3,3,2,2,1,1 (start at around 80% of your 1 rep, and work to a heavy single{s}) Push Press: 3,3,3,3,3 (use 65-70% of your

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Strength/Conditioning: 5 rounds each for time, rest between rounds…. Row Deadlift 5 reps 10 burpees Men Row 250, deadlift 275lb Women Row 200, Deadlift 175lb

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WOD Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 1 strict pull-up, 2 push-ups, 3 squats 2 strict pull-ups, 4 push-ups, 6 squats

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WOD Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 1 squat snatch 3 clean and jerks 30 double-unders Men 135lb (masters 95lb) Women

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EMOM 21 Minutes Back Squat 5 reps @75% Strict pull ups 7/5 reps Push ups 10/7 reps Conditioning: 3 rounds of 10 Bumper leg raises

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We did a similar style of this workout back in October. The rep scheme was different but the length of the workout and the exercises

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WOD A AMRAP in 20 minutes 5 Muscle ups 10 over the bar burpees 15 thrusters 75/55lb WOD B AMRAP in 20 minutes 5 Chest

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5 Rounds of: First Minute Row/Bike for calories Second Minute Power Cleans 135/95 for reps Third Minute GHD sit ups for reps Rest as needed

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WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 4 Handstand push ups 8 Toe to bar 12 One legged squats alternating Post rounds to the Zen.

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On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 11 GHD sit ups 10 wall balls 9 Kettlebell swings 8 Grasshoppers 7

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On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 10 wall balls 9 Kettlebell swings 8 Grasshoppers 7 Pull ups 6 walking

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On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 9 Kettlebell swings 8 Grasshoppers 7 Pull ups 6 walking lunges 5 BURPEES

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On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 8 Grasshoppers 7 Pull ups 6 walking lunges 5 BURPEES 4 front squats

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On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 7 Pull ups 6 walking lunges 5 BURPEES 4 front squats 3 box

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On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 6 walking lunges 5 BURPEES 4 front squats 3 box jumps 2 wall

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Just lifting: Snatch 3@78%, 3@80%, 3@83%, 5@75% Front Squat 5×3@80% Conditioning: 3 rounds of 10-15 V-ups 10-15 Supermans or back extensions 10-15 Push ups Post

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On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 4 Front squats 3 Box jumps 2 wall climbs 1 power clean….. WOD

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On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 3 Box jumps 2 wall climbs 1 power clean….. EMOM for 20 minutes

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On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 2 wall climbs 1 power clean….. WODAMRAP in 20 minutes 10 Handstand push

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Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!

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Month-to-Month Membership Agreements and Annual Membership Agreements: You may place your Membership on hold two (2) times per calendar year up to three (3) consecutive months each time. Advanced notice of at least two (2) business days is required. The hold must be 30 days in duration at a minimum and 30 days must elapse between holds. Upon expiration of the term of the hold, your account will automatically become active and payments will resume. Should you choose to return prior to the end of their hold period, the hold will be released and payments will resume.


All membership agreements require 30-days written notice to cancel your membership. This form will serve as your 30-days written cancellation notice. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within 30-days of your invoice billing date, the payment will be processed as scheduled. Your membership will be canceled at the end of your final paid month. All payments are non-refundable. All grandfathered membership rates will also be forfeited and returning members will be subject to current rates.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


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coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class


350 Randy Rd, Unit 5, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

(630) 793-1146


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