Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT CAROL STREAM



Power Lifting Shoulder press 3,3,3,3,3+ Weightlifting Jerks (push/split) 3,3,3,3 @80% of 1 rep. WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 5 per arm Kettlbell clean and

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Power Lifting  Do lifts @ 70,80,80,90 and 90% of base Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3+   Weightlifting Do lifts @ 80% of 1 rep max. Overhead Squat

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Flex Yoga from 8:30am-9:30am Open Gym from 9:30 until Noon! Come in and work on Skills, Muscle Ups, double unders, O-lifts!    

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WOD 16.5 again!!!!  21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters and Burpees!!!!     No Really….     April Fools! WOD 3 Rounds for time of 21 Power Cleans 115/80lb

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Power Lifting Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ WEIGHTLIFTING: Snatch 5×2* (75-80% of 1 rep) Back Squat 5,5,5 @75% of 1 rep *we have not snatched (squat) in

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POWER LIFTING: Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5+ (65,75,85,85%) WEIGHTLIFTING Rest… WOD 5 Rounds of: 21 Kettlebell swings 55/35 21 box Jumps 24/20 (masters step up) 21 Double unders

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EMOM With a continuously running clock for 21 minutes complete the following rep and exercises scheme. You may add and reduce weights accordingly but must

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The 2016 Open season is now over and we can get back to regular programming. We want to say what an awesome job everyone has

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Yoga at 8:30am.. Open Gym from 9:30 until Noon. Come in and do Open 16.5 or if you already completed it do the following WOD

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Ok everyone this is our last one…. Bring your A-Game! Last time we did this WOD (14.5) Isabella had the fastest time for our gym:

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The final Open WOD 16.5 is tomorrow… Today we will do some prep work. I am predicting heavy thrusters or a thruster ladder. As far

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Pictured… Post sprints fun. WOD Hang power snatch 5-5-5-5-5 reps GO heavy! Rounds should not start at a weight that you can normally work out

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With a continuously running clock complete 10 rounds, each for time, of: 100-meter sprint (across parking lot….we can use the whole thing now!!) Rest 90

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One more week of Open WOD’s and following CrossFit HQ’s programming. Awesome job so far to everyone that has been sticking with it and participating

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FLEX YOGA at 8:30am! Good job to everyone that did Open 16.4 what a doozy! Open gym from 9:30am until Noon Come do mobility, work

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There are some basic tips in this video about the hand release push ups. Open WOD 16.4!!! Rx Complete as many rounds and reps as

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Not only does Sue get her bar muscle up during the Open WOD 16.3… she had a lot of fans that felt every bit of

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WOD 5 rounds of Run to Gary ave. or Row 750m You may do all of one or alternate between the two. Rest as needed

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WOD For time: 1 round of: 115/80-lb. hang power cleans, 30 reps 15 ring dips 15-ft. rope climb, 3 ascents* Then, 2 rounds of: 115/80-lb.

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  MAX EFFORT Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps (7 heavy singles, go BIG!) WOD Then for time do 50 burpees…. Conditioning: Work on handstand push ups

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Open Gym from 9:30am until Noon. Come in do mobility, work on a skill, do the Open WOD 16.3 or just have coffee with this

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Workout 16.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 10 power snatches 3 bar muscle-ups Men use 75 lb. Women

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WOD A For time: 1 round of: 100 double-unders 50 squats 95-lb. push press, 25 reps Then, 2 rounds of: 60 double-unders 30 squats 95-lb.

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Open WOD 16.3 is right around the corner!! Get ready…. I have a feeling this one is going to be something completely different!   WOD

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WOD Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps These are heavy singles. You have 7 chances to find how much weight you can ‘thrust’ overhead. You may use a

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I want to congratulate Mike R. for being the only member of CrossFit Carol Stream to complete the entire 20 minutes of Open WOD 16.2!!!

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There will be NO Yoga today. Sorry for any inconvenience.   Open gym from 9:30 until Noon. Come in and do Open 16.2 or come

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16.2!!! Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:   25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.

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Tomorrow is Open WOD 16.2… Be prepared! Be sure to do mobility and post workout stretching!   WOD   “Helen light” (indoor) 6 rounds for time

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WOD Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Heavy singles… not necessarily a 1 rep max…. Conditioning: Pick a skill and work on it. Do mobility, or catch

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WOD 9-15-21 reps for time of: Row for calories 115/80lb. power snatches Post time to WODHOPPER!!!

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Nice job to everyone that did 16.1!!! Also, thank you to everyone who helped judge, cheer on and just participate.   WOD Row 1000m then

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YOGA at 8:30!!!   Open Gym from 9:30am until NOON. Come in and make up 16.1 Or do 5,5,5,5,5 of Front Squat   Mobility!!

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  Well this is it! It is here…. For those of you that have not registered and are going to (which is all of you)

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Tonight the Open will be announced at 7pm our time! There is still plenty of time to sign up and join in on the fun!!

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Adam and Brian rocking bar muscle ups!   This Thursday the CrossFit Games Open 16.1 will be announced!! Sign up here for the Open. We

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This Thursday the CrossFit Games Open 16.1 will be announced!! Sign up here for the Open. Who wants to start a TEAM??!!! Let us know

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  This Thursday the CrossFit Games Open 16.1 will be announced!! Sign up here for the Open. Who wants to start a TEAM??!!! Let us

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Better late than never!! Flex Yoga at 8:30! Open Gym from 9:30am until noon….. Come makeup a lift or a WOD or just work on

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WOD 5 rounds each for time rest 2 minutes between rounds. Row 250m 100m Farmers WALK with two 55/35lb kettlebells 10 over the bar burpees

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5 rounds for time of: 5 wall climbs 10 ring dips 15 toes to bar In the ring dip notice how in the video Matt

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You have 10 minutes to establish your 1-rep-max deadlift Then, with a barbell loaded to 50 percent of your max deadlift: 15 cleans for time* 12

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The CrossFit Open Starts SOON!! Click here to sign up! WEIGHTLIFTING/POWER LIFTING Mobility!!! WOD 3 rounds for time of: 21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb 21 Box

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MAX EFFORT (everyone) Snatch 1 rep max….   WOD 12 minute amrap of 10 Thrusters 65/45lb 10 Pull ups Post 1 rep max and total

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Valentines Partner Yoga at 8:30!! Open Gym from 9:30am until noon… Come in and work on some gymnastics skill development. Make up a WOD or

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WOD “The Chief“ Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 135/95 pound Power cleans, 3 reps 6 Push-ups (as always chest to deck and ONLY the

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Everyone complete the EMOM… for 15 minutes Clean 3 reps at 70% every minute on the minute for the first five minutes Clean 3

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WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch Balance 3×3 @ 70% (of 1 rep max snatch) Hang Snatch 3×3 @ 75% (of 1 rep max snatch) Powerlifting: Shoulder press 1

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Powerlifting/Weightlifting: Back Squat 1 rep Max   WOD For time: Row 750m 75 burpees   Post 1 rep max and WOD times to WODHOPPER!!!

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Rowing is a great way to warm up and cool down. Stay on track with your rowing, February will end as quickly as it began

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Its the FIRST weekend of the month again… SO bring a friend that is new to CrossFit in to try a partner WOD! What a

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Saturday we can have a bring a friend partner WOD! I know it is short notice, but if you have someone interested in trying CrossFit

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Clean and (split)Jerk 5×1 @ 85% (of clean and jerk 1 rep) Back Squat 5×5 @ 75% POWERLIFTING Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 (de-load) Conditioning 3

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WEIGHTLIFTING Rest… POWERLIFTING Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5 (deload)   WOD 5 Rounds for time of: 21 Wall Balls 20/14 21 Russian Swings 55/35lb 21 Burpees Post times

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Overhead Squat 5×5 @70% (of 1 rep overhead squat, if you don’t have that use snatch 1 rep) Powerlifting: Shoulder press 5,5,5,5,5 (de-load) WOD

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Rowing Challenge….. You have until the end of this month to row a marathon….. Have fun, make it a competition, have fun, row for cardio,

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Snatch 5×1 @ 85% Front Squat 5×5 @ 70% POWERLIFTING: Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5 (de-load 40,50,60%)   WOD AMRAP in 12 Minutes of: 3 Wall

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Open Gym From 9:30am until noon! Come in and work on technique with your Olympic lifts, (some of us will be working on the clean)

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WOD A “Nate“ Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of: 2 Muscle-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups 8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings Post rounds

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Alex Pajor will be coming to the gym Today at 5pm and again Tomorrow at 9am to give tips and pointers on the Muscle Up

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Alex Pajor will be coming to the gym Thursday at 5 and again Friday at 9am to give tips and pointers on the Muscle Up

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Alex Pajor will be coming to the gym Thursday at 5 and again Friday at 9am to give tips and pointers on the Muscle Up

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Weightlifting: Snatch 3×1 (go for 3 separate heavy singles, add weight or repeat rounds for 3 singles) IF you miss 3 reps in a row

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WOD! 4 Rounds for time of: 10 Power Cleans 135/95lb 20 Burpees 30 Wall Balls   Post times to WODHOPPER!!!!

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WEIGHTLIFTING 15 Minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) do the (Squat) clean 70% of your 1 rep for the first five minutes, 80% for

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The CrossFit Open is upon us! Register by clicking here. AND EVERYONE SHOULD REGISTER!!!   Weightlifting Rest POWERLIFTING: Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3+   WOD 15 minute AMRAP

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Jerk 3×2 95% Push Press 3×3 @ 110% of shoulder press Overhead Squat (see conditioning) POWERLIFTING: Shoulder press 3,3,3,3,3+ Conditioning/WOD 3 rounds of perfection

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Snatch 4×2 @ 87% Snatch Pull 3×3@ 100% Front Squat 3×2 @ 85% POWERLIFTING: Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3+   WOD AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

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Yoga is CANCELLED. Open gym from 9:30 until Noon! Come in work on a skill, make up a WOD of lift you missed or just

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Please RSVP to class…… WOD For time: 2 rounds of the couplet: 20 power snatches 75/55lb 20 toes to bar Then: 50 Box Jumps 24/20

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Clean & Jerk 4 rounds of 2 cleans and 1 Split jerk @ 90% (of 1 rep) Clean pull 3×3 (110% of your 1

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Rest POWERLIFTING: Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5+   WOD There will be a 20 minute time cap for the workout…. 21-15-9 reps of: Dumbbell thrusters L pull-ups*

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WEIGHTLIFTING: Jerk 3×3 90% Push Press @ 105% of shoulder press Overhead Squat 3×3 @ 90% (of snatch) POWERLIFTING: Shoulder press 5,5,5,5,5+   WOD: Row

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Weightlifting: Hang Snatch 3×3 @ 85% (of 1 rep max) Hang Snatch Pull 3×3 @ 100% Front Squat 3×3 @ 80% (do not use your

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Yoga for Athletes!! 8:30 until 9:30/9:45….   Open gym when yoga is finished and we will close at noon. Come and work on any deficiencies

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Get ready for the Open!!!! WOD 5 Rounds for time of: 20 Dumbbell Power Snatches 45/30lb 20 Overhead walking lunges 45/30lb (may use one or

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WEIGHTLIFTING Clean & Jerk 3 rounds of 3 cleans and 1 Split jerk @ 85% (of 1 rep) Hang Power Clean 3×3 (find 3 rep

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This Saturday… come in and lets work on skills that maybe lacking and needed for the coming CrossFit Open!!!   WOD Three rounds for time

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Weightlifting: Jerk 3×3 @ 85% Push press 3×3 @ 100% (of shoulder press) Overhead Squat 3×3 @ 85% (1 rep Snatch weight…just to be clear)

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WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 3×3 @85% Snatch Pull 3×3 @100% Front Squat 3×3 @ 75% (do not use your base#, go deep and pause at bottom) WOD

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Open Gym at 9:30am, Bring a friend Partner WOD at 10:30. Please arrive early enough to get everyone signed in. RSVP helps everyone!

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This Saturday the 2nd of January is a GREAT time to bring in someone you know who wants to turn their fitness around. Don’t let

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This Saturday the 2nd of January is a GREAT time to bring in someone you know who wants to turn their fitness around. Don’t let

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This Saturday the 2nd of January is a GREAT time to bring in someone you know who wants to turn their fitness around. Don’t let

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I hope everyone had a good Christmas weekend! Now it is time to get a little work done before the New Year begins! Tuesday (tomorrow)

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Christmas Eve!

  We will open at 8am and close at 11am. Please RSVP to class…. Warm up should be no more than 15 minutes. Do mobility

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  Christmas Eve hours we will be open 8am and close at 11am.  We will be closed Christmas, and this Saturday the 26th. We will

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MAX EFFORT: Everyone will do a 1 rep max Clean and Jerk. Yes this is a ‘squat’ clean. A press out on the jerk will

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WARM UP: On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me…. 9 Kettlebell swings 8 grasshoppers 7 pull ups 6 walking lunges

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  We will have Yoga for Athletes at 8:30!!! Everyone of you needs it… if you have not tried it yet now is the time.

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Holiday hours next week: Christmas Eve we will be open in the morning upon demand and closed at noon for the day. We will reopen

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It is really helpful to everyone if you RSVP to class!!! If you cannot utilize, or have the app on your phone, you can do

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On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 6 Lunges 5 Burpees 4 front squats 3 box jumps 2 wall climbs

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And on the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 5 burpees 4 front squats 3 box jumps 2 wall climbs 1

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We want to thank everyone that made it out to the Christmas party on Friday. What a great time!! On the 4th day of Christmas

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  We will be closed today…. Rest, and enjoy the next couple days off to prepare for next weeks ‘activities!’  

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Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE intro session on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!

Membership Management

Month-to-Month Membership Agreements and Annual Membership Agreements: You may place your Membership on hold two (2) times per calendar year up to three (3) consecutive months each time. Advanced notice of at least two (2) business days is required. The hold must be 30 days in duration at a minimum and 30 days must elapse between holds. Upon expiration of the term of the hold, your account will automatically become active and payments will resume. Should you choose to return prior to the end of their hold period, the hold will be released and payments will resume.


All membership agreements require 30-days written notice to cancel your membership. This form will serve as your 30-days written cancellation notice. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within 30-days of your invoice billing date, the payment will be processed as scheduled. Your membership will be canceled at the end of your final paid month. All payments are non-refundable. All grandfathered membership rates will also be forfeited and returning members will be subject to current rates.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing
coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class


350 Randy Rd, Unit 5, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

(630) 793-1146


We Want To Offer You The PERFECT Membership For YouR NEEDS.

Simply fill out the form below and one of our amazing coaches will send you our current membership information.