Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT CAROL STREAM



We will no longer be providing Advocare supplements for free. We will however order then Spark and Re-hydrate and any other supplement you would like.

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WOD A For time: 12 handstand push-ups (you can try the rings if you are feeling it!) 155/110-lb. back squats, 15 reps* 20 burpees 9

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WOD DT 5 rounds for time of: 12 deadlifts 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks Men use 155 lb., women use 105 lb. Post

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What an awesome weekend! We want to thank Bob Garon from Synergy Kettlebell Training in St. Charles for the awesome clinic Saturday morning and for

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Today is the day!!! First we have an awesome Kettlebell Coach Bob Garon coming to teach us better Kettlebell technique! Later today we will have

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Tomorrow (Saturday the 23rd) we are having a Kettlebell clinic that will begin at 10:30am until noon. There will not be an open gym and

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Powerlifting Clean 1 rep max Weightlifting Clean 1,1,1 (heavy singles) Back Squat 1,1,1 Conditioning: Work on a weakness. Now take a moment to think about

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Powerlifting/Weightlifting: Push/Split Jerk 1 rep max (a press out is a NO rep. You must receive the bar with the arms locked out!)   WOD

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Powerlifting: Power Snatch 1 rep max (a press out is a not rep. You must receive the bar overhead with arms extended) Weightlifting: Snatch 1,1,1,

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July 23rd, this Saturday is the Kettlebell clinic at 10:30! Everyone could use the training with that awesome tool the Kettlebell. I know Mike and

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Hey! So you know we have a Kettlebell clinic on the 23rd of July (my birthday) that I highly recommend YOU sign up for!!! So

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Powerlifting: Back Squat 1 rep max Weightlifting (and anyone else) EMOM for 20 minutes Even: Clean 3 reps Odd: Strict Pull ups x5 (Play with

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Powerlifting: Deadlift 1 rep max Weightlifting: Rest…. WOD 5 rounds for time 0f: 100 feet of walking lunges 21 Burpees Post loads and times to

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July 23rd we have a couple of awesome things going on! First in the morning we have the Kettlebell clinic that will be taught by

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July 23rd we have a couple of awesome things going on! First in the morning we have the Kettlebell clinic that will be taught by

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Reminder: Kettlebell Clinic with Coach Bob Garon July 23. Let us know if you will be coming, class limited to 20.Bob’s Certification/Experience… Synergy Kettlebell Fitness

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

It’s great to be back! North Carolina and the Great Smokey Mountains offer a lot of peace and tranquility… great vacation with the whole family!

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We will be closed Saturday the 2nd of July and Monday the 4th of July…. which just happens to be the 240th birthday of this

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Powerlifting: Front Squat 5,5,5 (de-load 40,50 & 60%) Weightlifting: Snatch 5×2 @ 88% Front Squat 5×2 @ 88% Conditioning: 3-5 rounds of 10-15 Ring Crunches

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Quick reminder, we are closed this Saturday the 2nd, and Monday the 4th of July the 240th birthday of this awesome free country!! Diane 21-15-9

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Powerlifting: Back Squat 5,5,5 (de-load 40,50,60% NO plus) Weightlifting: Clean 5×2 @ 88% Back Squat 5×2 @ 88%   WOD A 5 rounds for time

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We will be closed this Saturday and next Monday the 4th of July in recognition of this great country’s birthday!! 240 years and two time

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Open Gym from 9:30am until Noon! Come in do some mobility… work on a skill (double unders, muscle ups etc) make up a lift you

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WOD 4 Rounds for time of: 30 Weighted Step ups 45/30lb dumbbell (in rack position) on 24/20″ box 30 Dumbbell power snatches 45/30lb 30 feet

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Powerlifting: Front Squat 5,3,3,1,1+ Weightlifting: Snatch 5×3 @83% Front Squat 5×3 @ 83% Conditioning Work on handstand holds and handstand walking. Post total time held

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This Friday we are finally doing the 2 minute push up test from the Push up program we started way back in history. The delay

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Flex Yoga at 10:30 am today!! July 23 we will be having a Kettlebell clinic taught by local Ketllebell pro Bob Garon. He has taught

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WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes of: Run 200m 12 push ups 12 Kettlebell snatches 55/35lb* *The end of the kettlebell snatch is with bell locked

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we will have open gym from 9:30 am until noon. Come in and work on a skill or complete a workout (Army birthday WOD) that

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Yoga today at 10:30!!!! Powerlifting: Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ Weightlifting: Snatch 4×4 @78% Snatch Pull 3×3 100% Front Squat 4×3@ 80% Conditioning: 3 rounds of: 10-15

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Mary will be conducting the running clinic today for the 9am class!!! Powerlifting Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3+ Weightlifting Rest…… WOD 50-35-20 Double unders 30-25-20 Push Ups Post

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There is NO YOGA tomorrow. Weightlifters and Powerlifters: EMOM for 15 minutes 1 Clean and Jerk (you may squat or power) add weight as you

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Tuesday evening the 14th (tomorrow) and Wednesday morning the 15th we will be having another running clinic! Come in and get ready to improve your

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Next week Tuesday evening the 14th and Wednesday morning the 15th we will be having another running clinic! Come in and get ready to improve

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Weigthlifting: Snatch 4×5 @ 73% (if you miss, count that as a rep for that round) Powerlifting/WOD/Conditioning: EMOM for 20 minutes alternating between Even minutes

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Powerlifting Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5+ Weightlifting Rest…. WOD 2 Rounds for time 100 ft of Walking lunge with a 55/35lb kettlebell or dumbbell in front rack Run

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  Powerlifting: Shoulder press 5,5,5,5,5+ Weightlifting: Jerk (split or push) 5×5 @ 73%   WOD 20 minute AMRAP 10 Chest to bar Pull ups 10

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Powerlifting (repeating last cycle, no 1 rep maxes) Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ Weightlifting Hang Clean 4×3 @ 73% Clean Pull 3×3 @100% Back Squat 4×3 @

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Come in Saturday for a FUN WOD!   WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 10 Snatch grip deadlifts 95/65lb 10 Hang power snatches 95/65lb 10

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Hey I want to say awesome job to everyone that did the Bear Complex! That workout was no joke, and I saw a lot of

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This Saturday come in for a FUN WOD, we can throw things, carry things, drag and pull things…. bring a friend to try it too!

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I want to thank everyone for their participation in Murph for Miller. It was really awesome to see everyone make a strong effort to do

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We have Flex Yoga at 8:30am! This will be our last Saturday Yoga class. Come in and give it a try for a great way

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  We all know what today is!!! It is the day we do Murph for Miller! Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest

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This Friday is Murph for Miller!! This is a serious WOD that serves a serious purpose. Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest

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This Friday is Murph for Miller!! This is a serious WOD that serves a serious purpose. Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest

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This Friday is Murph for Miller!! This is a serious WOD that serves a serious purpose. Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest

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This Friday is Murph for Miller!! This is a serious WOD that serves a serious purpose. Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest

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As I mentioned Monday, we are currently in the process of switching our email system.  Thanks to those of you who have already confirmed.  As

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Powerlifting: Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ Weightlifting: Snatch 3×2 @83% Snatch pull 3×3 @100% Front squat 3×3 @ 83% Conditioning: 3 rounds (not for time) 15-20 reverse

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Powerlifting: deadlift 3,3,3,3,3+ Weightlifting: Rest…. Shoulder mobility WOD 50-35-20 rep rounds of Wall Balls 20/14 Burpees Double unders post times to WODHOPPER!!

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Attention all members and followers of our awesome gym: We are moving to a new email system over the next week, so you may get

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Powerlifting: Back Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ Weightlifting: EMOM Clean 7 minutes 1 rep on the minute at 83%. A failed lift counts, just rest and reset for

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Lucky Friday! WOD 3 rounds for time of: Run to Gary ave: 21 dumbbell hang squat cleans 35/25 21 over the box box jumps 24/20

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Powerlifting: Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ Weightlifting: Snatch 3×3 @78% Front Squat 3×3 @80% Push Up Program Tabata Push up. The score will be the lowest number

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Powerlifting: Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5+ Row 5,5,5,5,5* (each row is to be done after each set of 5 deadlifts) Weightlifting: Clean Pull 3×5 @100% of 1 rep

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Powerlifting: Shoulder press 5,5,5,5,5+ Weightlifting: Jerk 3×3 @80% Push press 3×3 @ 110% of shoulder press Push Up program: Bottom of push up plank hold

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Lets start this week out right…. Lifting! Powerlifting: Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5+ Weightlifting: Clean 3×3 @80% Back Squat 5,5,5 @80%   WOD 6 minute AMRAP 10

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Yoga at 8:30!! 9:30 we open for workouts. Bring a friend Partner WOD at 10:15-10:30 start time. Bring that friend, sibling, neighbor that you know

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Saturday…..  Bring a friend partner WOD!!! You know the drill! Don’t forget to check in on Facebook!! WOD Complete the following for time: Run 400m

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Saturday bring a friend for a partner WOD! Bring someone who is wanting to try CrossFit, or someone who you think needs to try our

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This Saturday bring a friend for a WOD! Bring someone who is on the fence about trying our program and wants to get in shape!

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Tuesday EDIT

Cheryl’s son Cole is having a raffle at his school. Please use info above to buy a ticket! WOD 3 Rounds for time of: Run

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  Cheryl’s son Cole is having a raffle at his school. Please use info above to buy a ticket!     WOD 3 Rounds for

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This Saturday is Bring a friend partner WOD! We will do something fun to introduce new people to CrossFit Carol Stream.   Push Up Program:

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There is no yoga today. we open at 9:30am, come in for a fun workout… No points, no score just a fun workout! 9:30-Noon.

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On Saturday we will have a ‘fun WOD’…. these are workouts where time does not matter, but fun does. No really it is about having

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Powerlifting Back Squat 1 rep max Weightlifting Clean 3×5 (go by feel) Clean pull 3×3 90-100% of 1 rep Back Squat 3×5 @70% Conditioning 2-4

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Powerlifting Deadlift 1 rep max Weightlifting Mobility….   WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds for time: Sit ups Walking lunges Triple unders*   *If you cannot do

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Powerlifting Shoulder Press 1 rep max Weightlifting Jerk 3×3 (by feel) Push Press 3×3 (by feel) Push Up program: 4 rounds of: One armed planks

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Powerlifting Front Squat 1 rep max Weightlifting Snatch 3×3 Snatch pull 3×3 Front Squat 3×3 @75% WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 3 bar muscle

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Saturday TEAM WOD!

WOD With two person teams: 20 Minute AMRAP Power Cleans* 60 Wall Balls 20/14 40 Burpees *The repetitions for the power clean will vary depending

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The better we can move our body and know where it is at and have control in all movements, the better we will be able

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Team WOD this Saturday! We will open at 9:30 and close at noon. There will be no set start time. We can run several heats

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Push up Program: You have 90 seconds to do 75% of the push ups you did in the 2 minute drill last week. You may

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Don’t forget about this Saturday!!!  Team WOD! Let us know who is on your team….. Powerlifting Shoulder press 5,5,5 (de-load) Weightlifting Rest   WOD A.

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  This Saturday the 23rd of April is the TEAM WOD!! Make a team now and start working on a strategy.   Powerlifting Front Squat

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Partner TEAM WOD next Saturday the 23rd! Start picking a partner to do the WOD with. If you cannot find someone and would like to

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Powerlifting: Back Squat 5,3,3,1,1+ Weightlifting Cleans EMOM* You will begin the EMOM with 65% of your 1 rep max. You will do 1 rep every

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Push Up program: Bottom of push up plank hold to push up. You will hold the bottom of the push up for 10 second intervals

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  Powerlifting Shoulder Press 5,3,3,1,1+ Weightlifting Push Jerks 3×2 @ 85%   WOD 10 minute amrap of Power snatches 95/65 (Masters 65/45lb) Box Jumps 24/20

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Today we begin the push up cycle. This cycle will last 6 weeks and we will be repeating the 2 minute test at the end

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NO YOGA TODAY. Come in for agility drills and conditioning! It will be things we don’t normally do in our daily WOD’s Lets have fun!

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On Monday we will begin another “push up” program. This is one area that everyone can make room for improvement. We will begin with the

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TEAM WOD will be on April 23! Start planning now….. Workout details to be released next week. Power Lifting Back Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ Weightlifting 15 minute

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We will be doing a TEAM WOD at the end of the month on a Saturday morning. It will be teams of two, co-ed or

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Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE intro session on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!

Membership Management

Month-to-Month Membership Agreements and Annual Membership Agreements: You may place your Membership on hold two (2) times per calendar year up to three (3) consecutive months each time. Advanced notice of at least two (2) business days is required. The hold must be 30 days in duration at a minimum and 30 days must elapse between holds. Upon expiration of the term of the hold, your account will automatically become active and payments will resume. Should you choose to return prior to the end of their hold period, the hold will be released and payments will resume.


All membership agreements require 30-days written notice to cancel your membership. This form will serve as your 30-days written cancellation notice. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within 30-days of your invoice billing date, the payment will be processed as scheduled. Your membership will be canceled at the end of your final paid month. All payments are non-refundable. All grandfathered membership rates will also be forfeited and returning members will be subject to current rates.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing
coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class


350 Randy Rd, Unit 5, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

(630) 793-1146


We Want To Offer You The PERFECT Membership For YouR NEEDS.

Simply fill out the form below and one of our amazing coaches will send you our current membership information.