Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT CAROL STREAM



  WOD 3 rounds of: Row 500m Run 400m Rest…. (3-5minutes) The row starts with the athlete STANDING behind the rower. On the count of

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WOD Five rounds for time of: 20 Pull-ups 30 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood 40 Double-unders   Post loads and times to comments…. Note** On Wednesday

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Open Gym from 9:30am until noon. Come for a WOD, some O-lifting, Kettlebells or just do some mobility and have a cup of coffee…. You

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MAX EFFORT Back Squat 5,5,5, (40,50,60%)   WOD/Skill Development For 30 minutes you will start with a light barbell and complete 3 squat snatches at

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MAX/WOD Complete five rounds of: On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps GHD Sit ups 21

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    WOD 12 minute AMRAP of: 6 power cleans 155/105 12 box jumps 24/20   Post rounds and fractions of rounds to comments…..

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  MAX EFFORT/WOD 5 rounds of a maximum effort of the following Thruster 2/3 of your body weight for max reps Pull ups max reps

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….   We will be starting a Paleo Challenge on October 1st.  Some people are new to the Paleo diet, so lets help them out

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The video quality is poor, but you will get the point. WOD 4 rounds for time of: 15 Right arm Dumbbell snatch 50/35lb 20 Double

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  Congratulations to Mike and Kelly Nelms for their new baby girl Lola was born yesterday 9:08 am, She is 7 lb 15oz and 21″ long.

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          September 11 2013 This is a very significant day. Not only we were attacked by Al-Qaeda in 2001, we were

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    MAX EFFORT Hang Squat Snatch 1 rep max   Back Squat 5,3,1+   Conditioning: 50 GHD sit ups 50 Hip and Back extension  

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  WOD 3 rounds for time of: 15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95lb 15 Toes To Bar Run 400m   Post loads and times to comments…..

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Open Gym from 9-noon.   Come in for some Olympic lifting, Mobility, or just drop by and have a cup of coffee.

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  WOD To help you decide, if you did Cindy last time do Mary this time. “Cindy” Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as

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  WOD:   5 rounds for time of: 50 feet of Overhead walking lunges 45/30lb barbell 21 burpees   Post loads and times to comments…..

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  I want to stress that on our strength days strength IS the emphasis, not the conditioning part.   MAX EFFORT Squat Clean 3,3,3,3 Look

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    WOD “Fran“ Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: 95 pound Thruster Pull-ups   Post loads and times/thoughts to comments…..

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  ATTENTION we ware closed on Saturday because we will be attending the HotShots 19 WOD at Fire Force CrossFit  in Elmhurst. WE WILL BE

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ATTENTION we will be closed on Saturday because we will be attending the HotShots 19 WOD at Fire Force CrossFit  in Elmhurst. WE WILL BE

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  Skill Development: Rope Climb   WOD 5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5 rep rounds of Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (double Kettlebells) 55/35lb 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Rep rounds of Burpees Post times

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WOD For time complete the following: Run 400m 2 rounds for time of: 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65lb 15 ring dips Then Run 400m

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“Gwen“ Clean & Jerk* 15-12- and 9 reps Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping.

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WOD 3 rounds for time of: Run 400m 21 Kettlebell swings 55/35lb 21 burpees   Post WOD mobility. Get ready for some O-lifting this week.

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Open Gym from 9am till noon.   Come for mobility, a workout, or work on some lifts. I will have coffee ready as well.

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  WOD 5 rounds for time of: 6 thrusters 115/80lb 9 chest to bar pull ups   post loads and times to comments…

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    Measuring up.   MAX EFFORT Deadlift 3,3,3+   WOD 10 minute AMRAP Double Unders   Post loads and total reps to comments….

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WOD: 5 rounds for time of: 9 power cleans 135/95lb 9 burpees 9 toes to bar   Post loads and times to comments….+

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  MAX EFFORT Complete the following lifts in order of appearance: Overhead Squat* 3,3,3+ (70,80,90%) Front Squat 3,3,3+ (70,80,90%) Back Squat 3,3,3+ (70,80,90%)   *if you do

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POST WOD FOAM ROLLING REQUIRED!!! Roll out those quads and glutes. If you do not you will be sorry… WOD This is a 25 minute

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OPEN GYM FROM 9am till Noon Come for a WOD, a Team WOD, O-lifting or just some mobility and a cup of coffee…..

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  We will be doing Turkish get ups today…. No really… WOD For time complete the following: Run to Gary Ave. 21 Hang Power snatch

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  MAX EFFORT/WOD 5 rounds for max effort (not timed) 4 Turkish Get Ups* 5 Box jumps Rules for this workout are as follows: This

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  “Helen“ Three rounds for time: Run 400 meters 1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing) 12 Pull-ups Post time

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  I would like to thank everyone again for coming out this past Friday night. I also would like to thank all of you who

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OPEN GYM FROM 9am until noon!   Thank you to everyone that came out last night for the Open House! It was a blast to

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  I want to thank Mike Pajor for making CrossFit Carol Stream what it is today. I have had a goal for a long time

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MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 5,5,5+   WOD Running Grace 5 rounds for time of: 400m run 6 Clean and Jerks 135/95lb Post loads and times

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  MAX EFFORT Squat Clean 5,5,5 rep max. The goal is to find a 5 rep max. Do not put the bar down during the

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WOD “The Fifty Filthy!” For time: 50 Double unders 50 Burpees 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Back extensions (hips on pad) 50

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We are going to try a new format with our daily workouts. Please show up, give it a try and have an open mind. The

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OPEN GYM 9am till Noon!!   Open Gym 9am till noon!! Make up a WOD work on Olympic Lifting or come in hang out and

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  Remember we are having the “Open House” on the 9th of August starting at 5pm until 9:30pm. We will be having the event catered

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  WARM UP: Agility drills (orange hurdles) 10 punters kick hamstring stretch 10 walking lunges twisting to opposite knee high knees across gym and back

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  SKILL: Work on a skill or mobility.   WOD 21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds for time of: Sumo Deadlift High pull 95/65lb Wall Ball 20/14lb  

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Above video is a friend of miune performing the Clean and Jerk with the Kettlebell. Notice how she does not flip the bell over her

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  MAX EFFORT Snatch 3,3,3, and 1.  at 60,70,80 and 90%   WOD 3 rounds for time: 400m run 15 toes to bar 15 burpees

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Open gym from 9am till noon.   We will be watching the games at Lenny and Mathy’s house from 3pm on. Please bring a Paleo

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Carl as he pulls himself under the bar during Elizabeth.   I would like to remind everyone that Saturday Lenny and Mathy have invited everyone

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Please remember we ARE having 6am classes from now on. I apologize for any mix up. Mathy and Lenny have graciously offered their home this

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  MAX EFFORT Deadlift 1 rep max   WOD 2 rounds for time of: Run to Gary ave Run 400m Each run begins and ends

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The 2013 CrossFit Games is this weekend… Get ready to watch and have fun with your CrossFit Carol Stream family. Details to come….   MAX

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MAX EFFORT Back Squat 1 rep max   WOD 5 rounds of: 9 power cleans 135/95lb 15 wall balls 20/14   Post loads and times

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    Open Gym from 9am till noon. Come in for a WOD, work on your Olympic lifts, work on skill development or just hang

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  Skill Development: Work on a goat…. maybe double unders??? Pull ups?? barbell movements?   WOD 5 rounds for time of: 5 wall climbs 10

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WOD “Helen” 3 rounds for time of: Run 400m 21 Kettlebell swings 55/35lb 12 pull ups Post times and thoughts to comments…..

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    WOD AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 25 Double unders 10 Bumper plate burpees*   *do burpee in front of bumper then jump completely

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..   NOTE We have changed our hours. We are opening the doors at 6am and will be open until noon, and then resume classes

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  WOD 21-18-15-12 rep rounds of: run 400m pull ups grasshoppers   Post times to comments……

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  Skill Development Deadlift/Sumo-deadlift High pull   WOD 4 rounds for time of: 50 double Unders 25 push ups   Post times to comments……

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  Basic Training Shoulder to Overhead movements and its variations   WOD Run to Gary ave and back… (a bit more than 200m) Then complete

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Skill Development BASIC TRAINING : Squat, and all its variations…..   WOD Dumbbell Deadlift 50/35lb Dumbbell power clean Dumbbell front squat Dumbbell Push jerk Rules

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  I would like to congratulate Keith and Martha Freewalt for their marriage over the weekend. Unfortunately they will not be returning to our gym

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Just in time… here’s today’s workout: 5 rounds for time: 10 V-ups 10 Supermans 10 Grasshoppers 10 Walking lunges (each leg) 10 Burpees

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We will be holding our first WOD at the new location!!! Here we go!! If you did Cindy last time, do Mary this time and

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A proven fact, a couple that lifts together has a higher likelihood of staying healthier together and they have a stronger relationship too. TODAY is

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  WOD Run 800m 21 Power snatches 115/80lb Run 600m 15 power snatches 115/80lb run 400m 9 power snatches 115/80lb   Post loads and times

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WOD 3 rounds for time of 20 push ups 30 kettlebell snatches 44/26 (alternating) 40 sit ups Post times to comments……      

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Jessica surviving the rain…. (dedicated) MAX EFFORT Clean  3,3,2,2,1,1,   WOD 3 rounds for time of: 21 Power clean and jerk 100/70 With uneven bar

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New website??? Is CrossFit Carol Stream getting a Facelift? MAX EFFORT Snatch 3,3,2,2,1,1 WOD 6 rounds for time of: run 200m 10 pull ups 10

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WOD5 rounds for time of:Run 400m15 hang power snatches 95/65lb Post loads and times to comments…. ….

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MAX EFFORTPull ups… as many as you can without dropping from the bar. WODTabata ROW for distance MOBILITY… Post reps and distance to comments…. …

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MAX EFFORTDeadlift 3,3,3+Box Jump 3,3,3 @ 85% WODAMRAP in 20 minutes of: the first round is2 alternating Cossack Squats 44/26lb4 Kettlebell clean and jerk 44/26lb6

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MAX EFFORTShoulder press 3,3,3+ WOD4 rounds for time of:15 Dumbbell Split clean 45/30lb15 Burpees ……Post loads and times to comments…..

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Max effort back squat 3,3,3+ WOD Bottom to bottom tabata squats 8 intervals of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of “rest” Rest is

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…………… MAX EFFORTOverhead Squat 3,3,3+ WOD100 feet of walking lunges and21-18-15-12-9-6 rep rounds ofPull upsSit ups…. post loads and times to comments……

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Skill DevelopmentCossack Squat….. WOD3 rounds for time of800m run30 wall balls30 double unders Post times to comments….. ….

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MAX EFFORTRow 500m WOD21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds ofSumo Deadlift High Pull 75/50lbBox Jumps 24/20″ Post times to comments….. ….

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MAX EFFORTClean and Jerk 1 rep max WOD21-15-9Dumbbell thrusters 45/30lbBurpees Post loads and times to comments…… …

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I want to thank all of you, for the help with the garage sale. I want to thank all of you for being a part

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REST DAY…. GARAGE SALE AT JOANIES HOUSE. If you need directions text or call me.Afterwards Joanie is having a cookout/BBQ. Please bring something to eat

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UPDATE!!! Please do not forget about the CFCS Garage sale at Joanie’s house on Saturday. Please bring your items to donate and sell tomorrow.  Also

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Do not forget the CrossFit Carol Stream garage sale this Saturday!! WODAMRAP in 20 minutes of3 wall climbs6 pistols (alternating legs)9 grasshoppers Post thoughts to

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The above video will be our max effort on Thursday. I need volunteers….. MAX EFFORTDeadlift 5,5,5+ WOD 5 rounds of: 9 right arm deadlift 135/95lb 9

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MAX EFFORTShoulder press 5,5,5+ WOD21 Push Jerk 115/80lb21 pull upsrun 400m15 Push Jerk 115/80lb15 pull upsrun 400m9 Push Jerk 115/80lb9 pull upsrun 400mPost loads and

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MAX EFFORTBack Squat 5,5,5+Sprint 3,3,3 WODAMRAP in 10 minutes of:5 power cleans 135/95lb5 lateral burpees (over the barbell) Post loads and times to comments….

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I want to remind everyone the Mike D. is running his 100 miler this weekend for PADS.Please be kind and donate….. Hi Everyone, We are

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WOD3 rounds for time of:21 Box jumps 24/2021 Kettlebell swings 55/3521 double unders 21 grasshoppers Post loads and times to comments…. …..

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MAX EFFORTFront Squat 1 rep max WOD10,8,6,4 and 2 reps of Squat Clean 135/95lb50,40,30,20 and 10 rep rounds of Sit up Please READ the following:

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First I want to thank The following who came last week to the Just Play event,Kathy, Isabella, Mike and Sue R., Joanie, Lisa, Celeste Keith,

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We are doing ‘Murph’ (HERO WOD) Today in support of CrossFit Tri-Cities event “Murph for Miller” All proceeds go to Rob Miller home Midwest shelter

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Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE intro session on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!

Membership Management

Month-to-Month Membership Agreements and Annual Membership Agreements: You may place your Membership on hold two (2) times per calendar year up to three (3) consecutive months each time. Advanced notice of at least two (2) business days is required. The hold must be 30 days in duration at a minimum and 30 days must elapse between holds. Upon expiration of the term of the hold, your account will automatically become active and payments will resume. Should you choose to return prior to the end of their hold period, the hold will be released and payments will resume.


All membership agreements require 30-days written notice to cancel your membership. This form will serve as your 30-days written cancellation notice. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within 30-days of your invoice billing date, the payment will be processed as scheduled. Your membership will be canceled at the end of your final paid month. All payments are non-refundable. All grandfathered membership rates will also be forfeited and returning members will be subject to current rates.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing
coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class


350 Randy Rd, Unit 5, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

(630) 793-1146


We Want To Offer You The PERFECT Membership For YouR NEEDS.

Simply fill out the form below and one of our amazing coaches will send you our current membership information.