WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE??? SKILL DEVELOPMENTSnatch….. WOD 21-15-9Power Snatch 95/65box jump 24/18 post thoughts loads and times to comments…..
WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE??? SKILL DEVELOPMENTSnatch….. WOD 21-15-9Power Snatch 95/65box jump 24/18 post thoughts loads and times to comments…..
Melanie Roach Her Story: MAX EFFORT Squat Clean 1 rep max. WODAMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes of10 wall balls10 kettlebell swings10 walking lunges Post loads and rounds completed to comments…..
Melanie Roach Her Story: MAX EFFORT Squat Clean 1 rep max. WODAMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes of10 wall balls10 kettlebell swings10 walking lunges Post loads and rounds completed to comments…..
MAX EFFORTShoulder press 1 rep max WODAs many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:5 kettlebell Clean and jerk 44/26 right arm5 push ups5 kettlebell Clean and jerk 44/26 left arm5 push ups
MAX EFFORTBack Squat 1 rep max WODWith a continuously running clock, sprint 50m every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. During rest period complete as many ‘Air Squats’ as possible. Score is total amount of squats completed during the 10 minutes. IF THERE IS A TORNADO WE MAY HAVE AN ALTERNATE WOD. THAT IS
MAX EFFORTDeadlift 5,3,1+ There have been quite a few birthdays in the last few weeks, and instead of making several individual B-day WOD’s we will be doing a generic Birthday WOD that covers everyone that has gained another year of wisdom. so…. Happy Birthday to Ron, Nicole, Dena, Mike W, Tiffany, and Lenny. If I
MOBILITY WOD:21 Thrusters 95/65lbrun 400m15 thrustersrun 400m9 thrustersrun 400m Post times to comments
MAX EFFORTFront squat 5,3,1+ WODFor time complete the following: 12 squat clean 155/105lbrun 800m9 squat clean 155/105lbrun 800m6 squat clean 155/105lbrun 800m