WOD Max rounds in 4 minutes of: 3 power cleans 135/95lb 6 box jumps 24/20 9 toes to bar Rest one minute, repeat cycles 4 times! Post total rounds and all your ‘plus’ to the Zen.
WOD Max rounds in 4 minutes of: 3 power cleans 135/95lb 6 box jumps 24/20 9 toes to bar Rest one minute, repeat cycles 4 times! Post total rounds and all your ‘plus’ to the Zen.
EMOM 15 minutes Hang (squat) Snatches 1 rep every minute First 5 minutes you will use 75% of your 1 rep Second 5 minutes you will use 78% of your 1 rep max Third 5 minutes you will use 81% of your 1 rep max Conditioning: 3 rounds 10 Muscle snatches (use a weight of
WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes of: With a Med-ball 20/14lb in your hand (except when doing burpees) you will do the wall balls and the lunges. If you put the Med ball down or you drop it you must do 5 burpees as a penalty. You may only put the Med ball down when
Weightlifting: Split Jerk 5×3 @ 80% of 1 rep max EMOM: 20 minutes: Even: Push Press x3 reps (Start at your 1 rep max Shoulder press weight and work up from there) Odd: L-Pull Ups 3-5 (or more) reps , If you cannot do an L-Pull up do strict pull ups or ring rows. Post
WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes 2 Muscle Ups 4 Power Snatches 115/80lb 8 One Legged Squats alternating Post rounds and fractions of rounds to the Zen.
EMOM 20 minutes of: Even: Front Squat 3 reps @70-75% of 1 rep max Then run 200m. Every EVEN minute you will do 3 front squats followed by a 200m run….then rest. If you are unable to run the 200m in the time allotted before the next even minute begins, shorten the distance of the
WOD “Diane” 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Deadlift 225/155lb HandStand Push ups Post times to the Zen!
EMOM For 15 minutes First 5 minutes Squat Clean 3 reps each minute Second 5 minutes Squat Clean 2 reps each minute Third 5 minutes Squat Clean 1 rep each minute Add weight as much as possible….. Then: Back Squat 4×2 @ 87% of 1 rep max. (4 rounds of 2 reps) Conditioning: 3 rounds
“Burpeemageddon” Complete all of these different types of burpees for time: 10 CrossFit Carol Stream Man Makers 35/25lb dumbbells* 20 Burpee Pull ups 30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″ 40 Burpees *CrossFit Carol Stream Man Maker: Starting with a pair of dumbbells in your hands you will drop down and perform a burpee, then pull the