MAX EFFORT You will have 20 minutes to find your 1 rep max.Snatch, WOD‘Randy’For time:75 power snatches 75/55lbs Post loads and times to comments…
MAX EFFORT You will have 20 minutes to find your 1 rep max.Snatch, WOD‘Randy’For time:75 power snatches 75/55lbs Post loads and times to comments…
MAX EFFORT:AMRAP in 3 minutes of Sit up Wall ball 20/16lb ball WODYou must row within 10% of your max effort all 4 rounds. Failure to do so is a foul. The athlete has an allowance of one foul, more than one foul and a 5th round is added.4 Rounds500m rowrest 3 minutesAthletes are scored
Two rounds for time of:Right arm Kettlebell Clean & jerk 12 repsLeft arm deadlift 12 repsbox jumps 24/18″ 12 reps Left arm Kettlebell Clean & Jerk 12 repsRight arm deadlift 12 repsbox jumps 24/18″ 12 reps Go heavy. Post time to completion and loads to comments.
MAX EFFORT 2 hands anyhow: put 2 different weights overhead using 2 different methods. i.e. Snatch a dumbbell then with weight overhead, squat down and C&J a Kettlebell add the weights together and that gives you the sum of the lift. WOD ‘Nicole’AMRAP in 20 minutes as possible of:run 400m max effort pull ups Post
It was guys Vs. Girls during the TEAM WOD this past Saturday….. Guys 1, Girls 0, MAX EFFORT Front squat 5,5,5 WOD“Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps of:Clean 135 poundsRing dips Post time to comments.
Ha! There will be a TEAM WOD at 9am. There will be a TEAM WOD at 9am. There will be a TEAM WOD at 9am. There will be a TEAM WOD at 9am. There will be a TEAM WOD at 9am. There will be a TEAM WOD at 9am.
Above video is Jesse’s brother Jason doing an amazing gymnastics stunt. Games WODPart A. Three rounds for time of:30 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom12′ Wall climb95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps12′ Wall climbSeven minute time cap. Score time of completion or reps completed within the cap. Rest 30 seconds. Part B. Three
Muscle up/snatch event mens Heat 4 [wmv]womens Heat 4 [wmv] Seven rounds for time of:205/135 pound Clean, 3 reps4 Ring/no ring handstand push-ups Post times to comments
Complete as many rounds as possible in seven minutes of:315 pound Deadlift, 7 reps20 meter Sprint14 One legged squats21 Double-unders20 meter Sprint Alternate WOD 5 rounds For time of:5 225/135lb deadlifts10 one legged squats15 double unders post workouts and times to comments
Tom does a 161lb 2 hand anyhow. Holding the record for first…. any challengers? For time:Run 1200 meters63 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood36 Pull-upsRun 800 meters42 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood24 Pull-upsRun 400 meters21 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood12 Pull-ups