WOD 21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of: Shoulder to overhead 115/80lb (press, push press or push jerk) Over the bar burpees (do a burpee and with both feet jump over the bar to complete one rep) Pull ups Post times to the Zen.
WOD 21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of: Shoulder to overhead 115/80lb (press, push press or push jerk) Over the bar burpees (do a burpee and with both feet jump over the bar to complete one rep) Pull ups Post times to the Zen.
Another 20 minute EMOM! Even: Power Snatch 5 reps 95/65lb go heavier if you can! Odd: Double Unders, as many reps as possible Score will be total reps of double unders. Tie break will be weight thrown. Post results to the Zen.
WOD3 Rounds for time of: 30 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb (American…overhead) 30 Box Jumps 400m run Post times to the Zen.
EMOM 20 minutes: Even: Power Clean 5 reps 135/95lb (pick a weight that you can complete 5 reps in the minute, go heavier if you can) Odd: Wall Balls 20/14lb (as many as possible in the minute) Score will be based on weight lifted and total reps of wall balls completed. Post reps and weight
It is my distinct pleasure to announce that Jason and Lisa are proud parents of baby Edith Grace Homesley… born approximately 9:00 pm September 24, 2017… weighing in at 6 lb 12 oz and 19 inches in length. Congratulations Jason and Lisa, very, very awesome!!! WOD: 20 min. AMRAP 200m Run 5 pull ups
The BABY Homesley WOD Read More »
Another Chipper! Run to Gary Ave 10 Deadlifts 185/130lb 30 Chest to bar Pull ups 10 Deadlifts 185/130lb 30 Ring Dips 10 Deadlifts 185/130lb 30 Kettlebell Swings 55/35 10 Deadlifts 185/130lb Run to Gary Ave. Post times to the Zen.
EMOM 15 minutes First 5 minutes: Overhead Squat 3x a minute Second 5 minutes: Snatch Balance 2x a minute Third 5 minutes: Hang Squat Snatch 1 per minute Then: Box Back Squat 3×5 @ 75% of 1 rep Conditioning: 5x Inverted Hangs on rings Either GHD sit ups or Mountain Climbers on rings 10-15-reps
Jared and Steph are getting hitched this Saturday the 23rd of September! Lets do a WOD to honor their matrimony. WOD AMRAP in 17 minutes of: With a partner 5 Burpees synchronized (must do them together) 9 Box Jumps 24/20 23 Wall Balls 20/14 Other than the burpees, one person is working while the other
The Bear Complex: Power Clean Front Squat Push-Press Back Squat Push-Press The workout goes like this: You will perform 7 reps of the complex above for 5 rounds adding weight each round and resting between rounds. The complex is the above exercises completed one time each and when all 5 exercises are done once it