15 minute AMRAP 10 Alternating Dumbbell power snatches 50/35lb 10 Toes to bar 10 Front rack Weighted walking lunges 50/35lb Post rounds to the Zen
15 minute AMRAP 10 Alternating Dumbbell power snatches 50/35lb 10 Toes to bar 10 Front rack Weighted walking lunges 50/35lb Post rounds to the Zen
EMOM 20 minutes Even: Back Squat 3-5 reps @ 75% Odd: Muscle ups 3 reps* *If you are unable to perform the Muscle up, you will do one of the following: -Muscle up with a band support -Strict Pull up 5-7reps -Chest to bar pull ups 5-7 reps -ring rows and push ups 3-7 reps
WOD 3 rounds for time of: Run to Gary Ave 21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb 15 Box Jumps 24/20″ Post times to the Zen.
WOD 5 rounds for time of: 15 Deadlifts 12 Hang Power Cleans 9 Front Squats 6 Push Jerks Men use 135lb Women use 95lb Post times to the Zen.
WOD 5 2-minute rounds of:10 burpees200-m sprintMax-rep Double unders Rest 3 minutes between rounds. If you are unable to complete the 10 burpees and a 200m run in around 90 seconds, reduce the number of burpees to 7 or 5.Post number of Double unders completed after the sprint each round to the Whiteboard and Zen.
Olympic Total Snatch 1,1,1,1,1 Clean and Jerk 1,1,1,1,1 Work up to a heavy warm up weight, then start shooting for a heavy single or a 1 rep max. You will have 5 attempts to do this. Afterwards celebrate with your fellow athletes by having burgers and beer at the gym you so love!
Don’t forget tomorrow we will be doing the Olympic Total. A heavy single (or 1 rep max) in both the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. WOD 5 rounds of: Run 400m Rest approximately 2 minutes. Post total time to the Whiteboard and the Zen. Conditioning is mobility.
WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 deadlifts adding 20/15lbs every round. 10 over the bar burpees every round The first round of 21 reps will begin with 135/95lbs. The 18 reps will consist of 155/110lbs and every round after that will add 20lb (and 15lbs for women). When you reach the 3 rep rounds you will continue to repeat
EMOM 14 Minutes Even Back Squat 3 reps @ 80% Odd: Max Rep Sit ups Conditioning: 2-4 rounds of: 10 Ring Crunches Or Mountain Climbers on the rings (your choice) 5 Inverted Hangs to Lower 10 Hip and Back extensions Post total number of sit ups and the your loads to the whiteboard and the
CindyComplete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 pull-ups10 push-ups15 squats OR MaryComplete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 handstand push-ups10 one-legged squats, alternating15 pull-ups Post your choice of girl and rounds completed to the Zen.