Open Gym From 9:30am until 11:30am Come make up a workout or do some mobility and or work on a skill. And dont forget to read the blog posts: Coaches Blog Post Comfortable Vs. Uncomfortable Coaches Blog Warming up!
Open Gym From 9:30am until 11:30am Come make up a workout or do some mobility and or work on a skill. And dont forget to read the blog posts: Coaches Blog Post Comfortable Vs. Uncomfortable Coaches Blog Warming up!
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> MAX EFFORT/SKILL DEVOLOPMENT We will be focusing on the following Snatch balance Hang Snatch Snatch The load will be light, and we will learn to move efficiently under the bar. WOD 21-15-9 rep rounds for time of Thruster 95/65lb Hang Power Clean 95/65lb Sumo-Deadlift High pull 95/65lb Post
RSVP for the 7am class if you plan to come!! CrossFit Kids tonight at 4:15pm, normal classes will resume at 5pm. MAX EFFORT Front Squat 10,10,10 all rounds at 50% of max 10 minutes of double unders* 2 minutes of push ups** Row 500m *** *If you cannot string double unders together, count your misses.
Group Warm Up!!! MAX EFFORT Broad Jump 1,1,1 (we want the best of the three attempts at your longest broad jump) Post lengths to WODHOPPER! WOD 3 rounds for time of: 15 Body-weight Deadlifts 15 Box Jumps 24/20 15 burpees Post times to WODHOPPER!!!
Reminder: You must RSVP to the 7am class today and Thursday or the class will be closed. Coaches Blog post click here. CrossFit Kids at 4:15pm today!! Regular classes will resume at 5pm. MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 10,10,10 All rounds at 50% of Max. WOD 3 rounds for time of: 15 Right Arm Dumbbell Power
ATTEBTION******RSVP to CLASS! If you are coming to the Tuesday or Thursday 7am class you MUST RSVP for the class to be available. Do not forget CrossFit Kids is every Tuesday and Thursday at 4pm. Regular classes resume at 5pm. Yoga for CrossFitters this Wednesday at 11am. Group Warm Up!! MAX EFFORT Back Squat 10,10,10
Warming up….. I am writing this post to stress the importance of the warm up. If you miss the group warm up it is your responsibility to warm up on your own. Now that being said I think that we need to focus on warming up for a WOD especially if there is weight involved.
Coaches Blog: warm up Read More »
Just some reminders to everyone: Please RSVP to all classes, and Tuesday and Thursday 7am RSVP are mandatory. CrossFit Kids on Tuesday and Thursday at 4:15. Regular classes will resume at the 5:00 hour. Group Warm Up! WOD Complete the following for time: (read carefully) 30 Dumbbell Thrusters 35/25lb 30 Generic Manmakers 35/25lb 30
ATTENTION*** Due to the very light attendance to the 7am class on Tuesdays and Thursdays we will be requiring you to RSVP to that class otherwise we will open at 8am on those days. Please RSVP to any class you would like to attend. CrossFit kids is every Tuesday and Thursdays at 4:15 EMOM every