WOD AMRAP in 26 minutes: Every 3 minutes you must run 200m. 20 Lateral Jumps 20 Sit ups 20 walking lunges Post rounds completed to the Zen.
WOD AMRAP in 26 minutes: Every 3 minutes you must run 200m. 20 Lateral Jumps 20 Sit ups 20 walking lunges Post rounds completed to the Zen.
Weightlifting Snatch 10-8-6-4-2 reps @ 50-65-75-80-85% of max Then start an EMOM 10 minutes with your last snatch weight and adding weight as needed: Even: Push jerks 3 reps Odd: Strict pull ups 7/5 reps (men’s/ladies) Then throughout your day or if you have time after the workout complete 5 sets of push ups at
WOD 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds For time: Hang squat cleans 135/95lb Over the bar burpees Then: Do 5 sets of push ups at 35% of your max. (it works so keep doing it!)
Do Nate or WOD B, if you want to do Nate but are unable to do ir Rx you may modify it so you can still get the stimulus desired. WOD “Nate” 20 minute AMRAP 2 Muscle ups 4 Handstand push ups 8 Kettlebell swings 70/55lb WOD B 4 Chest to bar pull ups 8
WE ARE CLOSED ON MEMORIAL DAY Today and tomorrow (Saturday in case you cannot come today) is “Murph for Miller.” There is no cost to do the WOD, we only ask for a donation of any amount but do not expect anything. This year we would like to raise more than $500. All proceeds are
This week on Friday and Saturday is “Murph for Miller.” There is no cost to do the WOD, we only ask for a donation of any amount but do not expect anything. This year we would like to raise more than $500. All proceeds are donated to the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans. Please ask
This week on Friday and Saturday is “Murph for Miller.” There is no cost to do the WOD, we only ask for a donation of any amount but do not expect anything. This year we would like to raise more than $500. All proceeds are donated to the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans. Please ask
Murph is this Friday (and Saturday if you miss Friday). This is a tough but fun workout that we will do in honor of the fallen. Also it is a chance to raise a little money for the Midwest Veterans Homeless shelter in Wheaton. Donations are accepted but not expected. Weightlifting 15 minute EMOM of
This week on Friday and Saturday is “Murph for Miller.” There is no cost to do the WOD, we only ask for a donation of any amount but do not expect anything. This year we would like to raise more than $500. All proceeds are donated to the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans. Please ask
WOD “Nasty Girls“ 3 rounds for time of: 50 Squats 7 Muscle-ups* 135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps *if you are unable to, or do not want to modify the MU, then do 7 chest to bar pull ups. then do 5 sets of push ups at 50% Post time to the Zen.