Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:10 sumo deadlift high pulls10 push presses Men: 135 lb.Women: 95 lb. Post rounds completed to the Zen.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:10 sumo deadlift high pulls10 push presses Men: 135 lb.Women: 95 lb. Post rounds completed to the Zen.
For time:Row 2,000 meters100 wall-ball shots20 muscle-ups Men: 20-lb. ballWomen: 14-lb. ball
WOD 10 rounds for time of:1 power snatch3 overhead squats Men: 185 lb.Women: 125 lb. Post times to the Zen.
Workout 18.1 Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:8 toes-to-bars10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks14 / 12-cal. row Men use 50-lb. dumbbellWomen use 35-lb. dumbbell Scaled: (Ages 16-54)Men perform hanging knee-raises, use 35-lb. dumbbellWomen perform hanging knee-raises, use 20-lb. dumbbell Masters 55+:Men use 35-lb. dumbbellWomen use 20-lb. dumbbell Scaled Masters 55+:Men perform
Friday Open WOD 18.1 Read More »
8 rounds for time of:Run 400 metersRest 90 seconds OR- Come in and WARM UP and MOBILITY, get ready for the Open. You will still walk out of the gym feeling like you did something productive, do not take active rest days lightly. Post total time to the Zen, not including eighth rest.
Havana Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:150 double-unders50 push-ups15 power cleans Men: 185 lb.Women: 125 lb. Post rounds completed to the Zen.
WOD: 4 rounds for time:30 GHD situps30 GHD hip extensions100 ft. handstand walk Scaling options are available for this workout… come on in! Newer athletes should only perform GHD sit ups in small doses!
2018 Games Open starts this week… are you registered? WOD: Five 3-minute rounds of:10 Front squats (185/125)10 Box Jumps (30″/24″)Row/bike for calories with remaining time (alt. btwn. row and bike)Rest 3 minutes Post calories rowed to Zen!
Snatch And Muscle Up! Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 snatches (you may power snatch or squat snatch)3 muscle-ups Men: 95 lb.Women: 65 lb.
Row/Bike For Calories Power Clean For Reps Put weight you used in ‘Description’ WOD/Conditioning:5 two minute rounds of First minute Row or Bike for calories (must do one of each during workout)Second minute Power Clean weight for reps (weight X reps = score)* *You MUST add weight each round. Conditioning:3 rounds of:GHD sit ups 10Hip