

Starting with a light weight, even a PVC stick, perform in order a power snatch, a hang power snatch, an overhead squat, and a full snatch 3x without a miss. You may add weight when all 4 lifts are completed 3 times without a miss. If an athlete misses a lift they have to repeat that round.

Athletes will have 30 minutes to complete 3 rounds with their heaviest weight. A re-grip is allowed, a rest is allowed but only after a round is completed.
This is not a race for time but a goal to perfection of the snatch.

The WOD will be scored based on the heaviest weight lifted flawlessly.

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0 thoughts on “Thursday”

  1. OK, where do I begin? And how do I not make this sound to negative?

    How does anyone prescribing exercise buy into some of crossfits movements? If you really understand how the body moves, do you see these movements as safe? Even if you’re trained on them and you have the best crossfit instructor teaching you.

    Listening to that guy analysis a power/hang snatch….jesus are you serious? That is a very poor, uneducated and conventional description…..”that muscle memory”….”warms the body”…”super workout”.

    All of those “movement patterns” are dangerous! fast jerky motions only jam up joints, sprain ligaments, and put your nervous system at risk. For what? For the sake of a tough workout? Because it’s functional? That functional argument is sooo terrible…not only does it violate the basic laws of motor learning, it reinforces bad form. You can train in much safer ways without all that risk.
    I do like crossfits ideals…..brief, intense, infrequent W/O’s, but what about safety? That’s the most destructive movement ever.
    I also kinda get it if you’re a trainer who needs a guru or reglion to follow… Some kind of an association that makes you feel like you belong and can advance your career. But honestly, please do some critical thinking and read the research! The crossfit world and website is full injuries and bad guys who wanna look tough. Glassman has some good ideas but only to a point.

    Dr. Stuart McGill, a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo, the risk of injury from some CrossFit exercises outweighs their benefits when they are performed with poor form in timed workouts.

    And if you say: “we know its risky and we do it because we love it”…You better warn people of the risks….and by no means should you ever call it exercise! Dave.

  2. Dave,

    Well seeing as how you were not negative I wont be negative or sarcastic either.

    As far as the movements being safe? The majority of the movements simulate something in everyday life. example: The clean and jerk lifting a box or something heavy off the floor and putting overhead like onto a shelf.

    That ‘guy’ you refer to is Mike Burgener a world class Olympic Lifting coach. He has lead many athletes to the Olympics and completely supports CrossFit and its methodology.

    Now we thought about lifting really slow and controlled and doing bicep curls so we would not ‘jam up our joints’ and we were completely afraid of those jerky movements until we realized how BORING bicep curls are and how that ‘style’ of lifting does not simulate anything in life. Leg extensions? Seated leg press? again the Bicep curl? Normal body movements And the basic laws of motor learning was something we learned as children, its just that most of us through time, jobs sitting in chairs at desks all day, driving in our cars, and being taught poorly in high school sports where the coach has a degree in education, we learn bad movements and lose flexibility.
    Yes I am a trainer, and I do need something to belong to, I tried the ganglife and they rejected me because CrossFit made me to tough for them.
    Religion: I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I would be careful if I was you using his name in vain.
    Dr Stuart Mcgill? I dont know him or anything about him. I do agree with him about exercise ‘when they are performed with poor form in timed workouts’ thats why I am there to guide them ‘CrossFitters’ so they will be in correct form.
    Also driving a car is risky if you dont pay attention and the result could be death.

    Oh and could you post some proof of CrossFit causing an injury? Any proof? Thank you for visiting my website.

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