

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

3 Handstand push ups

3 UNBROKEN squat cleans 155/110lb
For the Unbroken cleans, if you cannot complete 3 reps in a row it is a failed rep and you must restart. Essentially the 3 reps should be considered ONE rep, so there will be no ‘plus’ 4 or 5 it will either be a ‘plus’ 3 or a full round.


Back Squat 3x3

Scales front and back for 5 minutes

3x10 of the following:

Bumper raises

Reverse Hyper

Post rounds completed to the Zen.


Christmas Hours:

Christmas Eve 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 am classes only. We will be closed in the afternoon and on Christmas day.

December 26th we will open at 8:30am for normal hours the rest of the day.

On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

11 GHD sit ups

10 Wall balls

9 kettlebell swings

8 grasshoppers

7 pull ups

6 Lunges

5 Burpees

4 front squats

3 box jumps

2 wall climbs

1 power clean


3 Rounds for time of:

20 Weighted Step ups on the 24/20” box 50/35lb dumbbell.

30 Sit ups

50 Double unders

After the workout spend 20 minutes doing SLIPS.


On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

10 Wall balls

9 kettlebell swings

8 grasshoppers

7 pull ups

6 Lunges

5 Burpees

4 front squats

3 box jumps

2 wall climbs

1 power clean


6 minute AMRAP of

3 Muscle Ups

9 Overhead Squats 95/65lb

Rest 1 minute

6 minute AMRAP of

3 Handstand Push ups

9 Sumo-deadlift high pulls 95/65lb

Rest 1 minute

6 minute AMRAP

3 Power Snatches 95/65lb

9 Wall balls 20/14lb

Post total rounds for each AMRAP to the Whiteboard and totals to the Zen.


On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

9 kettlebell swings

8 grasshoppers

7 pull ups

6 Lunges

5 Burpees

4 front squats

3 box jumps

2 wall climbs

1 power clean


Clean and Jerk 5x2+1

Clean Pull 3x3

Back Squat 3x5

Pick a load for each exercise and stay with it for ALL sets.


Work on Scales for 5 minutes

3x10 Bumper raises and either hip and back extensions or reverse hypers.


On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

7 pull ups

6 Lunges

5 Burpees

4 front squats

3 box jumps

2 wall climbs

1 power clean


4 Rounds each for time of:

Row 30/21 Calories

10 Deadlifts (go as heavy as you are able to complete the ten reps in as few sets as possible)

10 Inverted Burpees

Rest as needed…

Post total time and weight used to the whiteboard and the Zen.


Then GHD sit ups x50 and Reverse Hypers x 50, partition as needed.