

20 minute AMRAP

Starting weight is 95/65lb. after the first round you may add weight or take weight off at any time.

Power Cleans 10,8,6,4 and every round after that will be 2 reps

Every round will end with a 200m run.

The workout will be scored by the total weight lifted during this workout. So keep track of your weights.

You are responsible for changing your own weight.

Post total rounds and total weight to the board and Zen.


Olympic Weightlifting Total

Snatch 1,1,1

Clean and Jerk 1,1,1

You will begin by warming up the snatch. When you’re ready you will attempt your first lift for a 1 rep max. You will have three attempts to find a one rep max for the snatch. Then you will move onto the Clean and Jerk and repeat.

You must receive the bar in the squat for both lifts for it to be considered a ‘good’ rep. With the Jerk a ‘press out’ is not allowed. You may push or split jerk.


EMOM 18 minutes

3 rounds of:

Even: Shoulder press x3

Odd: Bar Muscle Ups Max reps

Then 3 rounds of:

Even: Push Press x3

Odd: Chest to bar Pull ups Max Reps

Then finally 3 rounds of:

Even Minute Push Jerk x3

Odd Minute Strict Pull ups Max Reps


3-5 rounds of:

Inverted hangs on rings to lower x3

Scales back and forth x3 per leg.

Post total reps per movement, and weights lifted.


"Mini Murph"

Through your generosity, CrossFit Carol Stream, in our members' name, donated $520 to The Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans. Thank you all for who you are and what you do!

WOD: for time...
Run to Gary Ave.

Then: 5 rounds
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Run to Gary Ave.

Have a good weekend... it's been fun this week, a slice of life!!!!