

30 Turkish get ups for time and TOTAL weight.

You may use any weight and go up and down in weight at anytime.

After WOD:

7 minutes of scales

7 Minutes of L-Sit practice

7 minutes of: Handstand holds, and any variations of holds, (kicking up with both legs or opposite leg, negatives on descent etc.)

Post time and total weight moved to the Zen.



Tabata Burpees and 1 mile run for reps and time.

Immediately after the Tabata intervals are completed you will run 1 mile.

When the Tabata is finished the clock will be reset and you will have the 10 seconds of countdown to rest….

After the WOD,

5 sets of push ups at 35% of your NEW max.

then: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of strict pull ups in between your push up sets.

Post total burpees completed during Tabata, and your mile time to the Zen.



Before the workout, You will complete a max set of push ups. You will NOT rest in any position unless it is in the strict plank position. Try to do the max set with out stopping, but again, resting in the plank is permitted. CHEST must touch the ground in order to be a legit push up.


Five rounds for time of:
35 Double unders
Run 200 meters

Practice scales after the workout.

Post times to the Zen.



For time:

Run 400m

30 Overhead walking lunges with a Dumbbell 50/35lb (one or two arms maybe used for the one d-bell)

30 Alternating Dumbbell power snatches 50/35lb

30 Weighted step ups onto a 24/20” box with a Dumbbell 50/35lb (hold it anyway)

Run to Gary ave.

30 Weighted step ups onto a 24/20” box with a Dumbbell 50/35lb (hold it anyway)

30 Alternating Dumbbell power snatches 50/35lb

30 Overhead walking lunges with a Dumbbell 50/35lb

Run 400m

Post times to the Zen.


EMOM for 15 minutes

First Minute: Back Squat 3 reps @ 78%

Second Minute: L-Pull Ups 3-7 (straight Legs in an L position)

Third Minute: Push up 35% of max.


Work GHD sit ups or another ‘core’ exercise into or between the following movements:

5-7 minutes of Scales

5-7 minutes of Handstand holds

Work GHD sit ups orm an other ‘core’ exercise into or between the following movements:



30 rounds or 30 minutes, whatever happens first:

5 Wall Balls

3 Handstand push ups

1 Clean* (squat or power)

*the weight can be as heavy or as light as you wish. But the total weight lifted will be part of your score. Also for scoring purposes every 70lbs the women lift, for comparisons sake men will lift 100lbs. Score will be total weight, rounds and or time completed. Good Luck!