
WOD (30 minute time cap)

10 Rounds for time of  Burpees on the minute:

5 Pull ups

10 Squats

15 Sit ups

BUT.... Every minute on the minute you will do 5 burpees, no matter what rep you are on in an exercise at the minute mark 5 burpees will be completed. If you are unable to do this WOD as Rx, do 3 burpees on the minute instead of 5. Or better yet if you do not believe you can complete 5 burpees under 20 seconds scaling down to 2-3 burpees is a good idea.



AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

With a Med-ball 20/14lb in your hand (except when doing burpees) you will do the wall balls and the lunges. If you put the Med ball down or you drop it you must do 5 burpees as a penalty. You may only put the Med ball down when you are going to start the burpees for that round. Have fun!!

5 Wall Balls

5 Walking lunges

5 Burpees

10 Wall Balls

10 Walking Lunges

10 Burpees

15 Wall Balls

15 Walking lunges

15 Burpees

20 Wall balls .....etc.

Post rounds to the Zen



Complete five rounds of:
On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps

7 Ring dip negatives. With a straight body and rings at armpit level, Jump to support then lower body down in a straight line until feet are flat on ground, maintaining active shoulders press back up to support and repeat.

Move methodically and with purpose. This is a strength building workout and with practice will lead us to more succesfull ring dips and eventually muscle ups.

Then do 20 minutes of SLIPS.


Max Effort:

Max Push ups. The only rest you may take is in a plank position, no downward or upward dog. These are HONEST push ups. Chest to deck, extension and head facing forward. You will only hurt yourself and the program will not work properly if you do not hold high standards.


For time:

Row 50 Calories

75 Burpees

150 Sit ups

200 Double unders

Post push up max and times to the Zen