

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

10 GHD Hip Extensions*

100m Farmers walk 50/35lb

10 Weighted sit ups with med ball 20/14lb**

-add 10 reps to the hip extensions and sit ups after each round.

*If you have not been practicing Hip Extensions regularly you will be scaling this workout by holding your med ball to you chest and essentially doing a ‘good morning’.

**Weighted sit ups. the med ball will start on the floor ‘over’ your head like normal sit ups, then you will sit up and bring the ball forward and touch the floor between your feet (no bouncing) then return the ball over head to begin your next rep.

Post rounds completed to the Zen.



For time:
3-minute handstand hold
100 squats
50-meter handstand walk
100 squats
30 handstand push-ups

Perform handstand hold against a wall (with only the feet touching) and accumulate a total of 3 minutes before moving on to the squats.

If you are not highly proficient with handstands, modify each movement to a point that is manageable but challenging. Read How Long Can You Handstand It? for handstand tips and drills.

Intermediate Option:
For time:
2-minute handstand hold
100 squats
25-meter handstand walk
100 squats
20 handstand push-ups

Perform the handstand hold against a wall (with only the feet touching) and accumulate a total of 2 minutes before moving on to the squats.

Beginner Option:
For time:
2-minute inverted hold
50 squats
25-meter bear crawl
50 squats
30 knee push-ups

Perform the inverted hold with the hands on the ground and the feet or knees on a box and accumulate a total of 2 minutes before moving on to the squats.

Post time to the Zen.


60 toes-to-bars for time
*perform 12 burpees at the start of each minute

Post time to comments.

This couplet is sure to challenge your midline. Newer athletes should reduce the burpees to allow at least 30 seconds of work on the pull-up bar. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.

Beginner Option:
50 hanging knee raises for time
*perform 5 burpees at the start of each minute