
WOD Grab a partner and do the following:

Five rounds of

3 minute round of max reps and weight of

Overhead Squat


Rest 1 minute

Rules: 1 person will be squatting and the other will be doing burpees. The score will be the total weight lifted and total reps of burpees. For example: 95lb lifted a total of 100 reps between the two will equal 9,500 plus all the burpees the two completed so total score will be 10,000.

IF you do not have a partner you will do 90 seconds of overhead squats and 90 seconds of burpees and then rest 1 minute.

Have fun!


On the Third day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 3 Box Jumps

2 Wall climbs

1 Power Clean


Perform 10 rounds of the following, completing as many reps of each exercise as possible: 30 seconds of toes-to-bars Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of push ups Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of body-weight deadlifts Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of handstand push-ups Rest 30 seconds

This is a 40 minute workout, please arrive ON TIME to do the warm up and to get this workout moving.

Post reps completed for each exercise to the Zen.


WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes:

With a medicine ball 20/14lb ball complete the following workout

10 Wall Balls

10 Walking Lunges (with ball in hands)

10 Medicine ball cleans (yes you must squat)

10 Over the shoulders alternating*

*You will lift the ball and roll it over your shoulder behind your back, you MUST catch the ball after the first bounce before it bounces again. If you miss it will be a 5 burpee penalty and you will repeat the rep. Also you must alternate shoulders every rep.