/3 rounds for time:
50 up-downs
1:00 seated L-sit hold
– Accumulate a total of 1:00 in the L-sit per round.
3 rounds for time:
50 up-downs
1:00 seated L-sit hold
– Accumulate a total of 1:00 in the L-sit per round.
For time:
Squat snatches 165/115lb
– Perform 3 wall walks after each set.
AMRAP 15 with a partner:
10 muscle-ups
200-m run with a partner
– One partner works and one rests during the muscle-ups.
Post loads and rounds to the Zen.
AMRAP in 20 miniutes
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Post rounds to the Zen.
For time:
30 hang power cleans 95/65lb
40 deadlifts
500/400m-m row
Post loads and times to the Zen.
For time:
120 double-unders
40 overhead squats 75/55lb
40/30 cal row
80 double-unders
30 overhead squats
30/22cal row
50 double-unders
20 overhead squats
20/15 cal row
Post times to the Zen.
10 Rounds of 1:00 on – 1:00 off for reps:
8 KB swings 55/35lb
4 burpees
– Pick up a new minute where you left off the previous minute.
9 DB thrusters 35/20lb
18 sit ups
– Use two DBs.
post loads and rounds to the Zen.
3 rounds for time:
30 jumping lunges
25 pull-ups
Post loads and times to the Zen.
4 rounds for time:
400-m run
10 push jerks 155/105lb
Post times and loads to the Zen.
5 DB squats 50/35lb
5 DB hang power cleans
5 burpees over the DB
– Use two DBs.
Weightlifting/Heavy day
EMOM 20:
1 snatch
Heavy lifting day relative to each athlete's capacity.
Athletes may choose to squat or power snatch at any time.
Increase loading across as many sets as possible.
Two scores for today. First score is your starting and heaviest weights lifted throughout EMOM. Second score will be total sum of weights lifted.
If you miss/fail a lift one minute just rest until next minute and then try again.
Post loads and total sum to the whiteboard and Zen.
For time:
20 back squats 135/95lb
800-m run
100 air squats
800-m run
20 front squats 135/95lb
post times to the Zen.
3 wall-ball shots 20/14lb
3 ring dips
6 wall-ball shots
6 ring dips
9 wall-ball shots
9 ring dips
Etc …
– Continue to add 3 reps to both movements until time expires.
Post total reps to the Zen.
For time:
Box jump-overs 30/24"
Post loads and times to the Zen.
For total reps:
1:00 double-unders
1:00 air squats
2:00 double-unders
2:00 kettlebell swings 55/35lb
3:00 double-unders
3:00 burpees
Post total reps to the Zen.
8 sets for load:
2 shoulder presses
Lift once every 2:00.
Start at ~80% and build in small jumps.
Attempt to find a new 2-rep-max.
Take the bar from the rack.
Post loads to the whiteboard.
5 rounds for time:
20 alternating single-leg squats
20 alternating DB snatches 50/35lb
Post times to the Zen.
5 x AMRAP 3:
400-m run
Max-rep strict pull-ups
– Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs.
Post total reps to zen.
“Linda” (AKA 3 bars of death) Storm through for time:
For time:
Deadlift (1.5x bodyweight)
Bench press (1x bodyweight)
Squat clean (0.75x bodyweight)
350 Randy Rd. Unit 5
Carol Stream, IL 60188
Call Us: (630) 738-0638
or get your free trial here.