For time:
Clean and jerks (65/95 lb)
For time:
Clean and jerks (65/95 lb)
6 x 2:00 min rounds:
5 deadlifts (heavy)
Max muscle-ups in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
– Score both the deadlift and muscle-up (reps).
400/500 m row
15 pull-ups
10 overhead squats 115/75lb
Post loads and rounds to the Zen.
7 sets for load:
1 front squat + 3 back squats
Heavy squat day.
Athletes use the same load for both lifts. The heaviest load will be based on your best front squat.
Perform a quick transition from the front rack to the back rack.
Use a rack for this workout.
Post loads to the Zen.
For time with a partner: (18 minute time cap)
30 snatches 75/55lb
30 synchronized bar-facing burpees
24 snatches 95/65lb
24 synchronized bar-facing burpees
18 snatches 115/75lb
18 synchronized bar-facing burpees
12 snatches 125/85lb
12 synchronized bar-facing burpees
With the synchronized bar-facing burpees, both partners chest has to be on the ground at the same time then jump over the bar together.
For time:
Jumps-to-target (12 in)
GHD hip extensions
Ring rows to parallel
Post times to the Zen.
800-m run
40 walking lunges
20 GHD sit-ups OR sit ups
100-m DB farmers carry 35/25lb
– Use two DBs for the carry.
Post rounds to the Zen.
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | 15/10 calories
Min. 2 | 3 clean and jerks (squat or power)
Choose a moderate to heavy load and increase weight as needed for the clean and jerks.
Complete clean and jerks in sets of three touch-and-go reps, NOT as singles.
2 sets:
100-m run
10 pull-ups
Freestanding handstand hold
– Rest 2:00 between sets. So total workout time will be 14 minutes including the first 2 minutes of rest.
5 rounds for time:
200-m run
15 wall-ball shots 20/14lb
10 toes-to-bars
Post loads and times to the Zen.
For time:
30 box jump-overs 24/20"
20 shoulder-to-overheads 135/95LB
10 rope climbs
– Must clear the box.
5 rounds for time with a partner:
20 front squats 115/75lb
30 kettlebell swings 70/55lb
40 partner medicine-ball sit-ups 20/14lb
– Split the squats and swings as needed; one partner works at a time.
– Alternate reps on the sit-ups.
Post workout Skill Work:
50 Strict Push Ups. Chest to deck and full Lock out. This is prep for Murph which will be upon us before we know it.
30 air squats
20 burpees-to-target (6 in)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Post rounds to the Zen.
AMRAP in 30 minutes with a partner:
7 handstand push-ups
7 thrusters 135/95lb
7 knees-to-elbows
7 deadlifts 245/165lb
7 burpees
7 KB swings 70/55lb
7 pull-ups
One works while partner rests. Break each exercise of 7 up however works. But each exercise must be completed in order before moving on to next.
Post rounds and reps completed to the Zen.
For time:
5 ring muscle-ups
150-ft single-arm DB overhead walking lunge 35/25lb
800/1000-m row
150-ft single-arm DB overhead walking lunge 35/25lb
5 ring muscle-ups
10 rounds for time (15 MINUTE TIME CAP):
35 double-unders
3 wall walks
Post times to the Zen.
7 ring dips
10 sumo deadlift high-pulls 75/55lb
Rest 5 min then…
7 pull-ups
10 thrusters 75/55lb
Post total rounds completed to the Zen.
For time:
DB squats (35/50 lb)
DB-facing burpees
– Use two DBs.
WOD (20 minute time cap)
For time:
100 air squats
5 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
75 air squats
10 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
50 air squats
15 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
25 air squats
20 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
For time:
100 burpee pull-ups
– Pull-up bar is 12 in/30 cm above reach.
5 sets:
3 strict weighted pull-ups
350 Randy Rd. Unit 5
Carol Stream, IL 60188
Call Us: (630) 738-0638
or get your free trial here.