/AMRAP 13:
8 deadlifts 135/95lb
5 hang power cleans 135/95lb
3 bar muscle-ups
Post rounds to the Zen.
8 deadlifts 135/95lb
5 hang power cleans 135/95lb
3 bar muscle-ups
Post rounds to the Zen.
7 sets of:
5 front squats
Post loads to the Zen.
5 rounds for time with a partner:
30 alternating DB snatches (50/70 lb)
20 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
– Resting partner hangs from the pull-up bar
Post times to the Zen.
3 rounds for reps:
1:00 handstand push-ups
1:00 DB farmer carry hold
– Rest 3:00 between couplets.
3 rounds for reps:
1:00 ring dips
1:00 DB front rack hold
– Choose your own loading for DBs
Post total reps and loads for dumbbells.
10 single-arm KB swings, right 55/35lb
10 single-arm KB swings, left
250/200 m row
10 barbell back rack lunges, right 95/65lb
10 barbell back rack lunges, left
– KB swings to eye level.
post loads and rounds to the Zen.
On a 20:00 clock:
Build to a 1-rep max hang squat clean.
5 sets for load:
1 front squat
– All sets greater than 80% of your 1-rep-max.Main Lift
Post loads to the Zen.
Open WOD 18.1
8 toes-to-bars
10 single-DB hang clean and jerks 50/35lb
14/12 calorie row
4 rounds for reps:
1:00 max box step-ups 24/20"
1:00 max jumping lunges
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
On a 1:30 clock x 5 sets:
10 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts 115/75lb
Max unbroken hang power cleans
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
Post loads and total reps to the Zen.
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
50 calorie OR 50 Burpees (your choice)
100 KB swings (53/70 lb)
20 wall walks
– Split work as needed; 1 partner works at a time.
For the "burpee or row choice," its one or the other each round NOT both at the same time.
30 KB Turkish get-ups
Post rounds to the Zen.
Weightlifting/Skill development
7 sets for load:
5 strict weighted pull-ups
5 strict weighted ring dips
Build to a heavy 5-rep of each movement.
Complete the dips immediately after the pull-ups.
Lift once every 3:30.
Maintain FULL range of motion through each rep. Shoulder touches top of ring in the dip, Full extension on lockout. Chin over bar during pull up.
2 alternating single-leg squats
2 box jump-overs (20 in)
4 alternating single-leg squats
4 box jump-overs
6 alternating single-leg squats
6 box jump-overs
– Continue adding 2 reps to each movement until time expires.
10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters (65/95 lb)
35 double-unders
Post times to the Zen.
EMOM 12:
Min. 1 | :20 box jump overs
Min. 2 | :20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
For time:
Hand-release push-ups
Post times and reps to the Zen.
Partner WOD
Row 5000m
Russian Kettlebell Swing 250 reps (as heavy as possible, for total load)
One partner is rowing while the other is swinging. Partition reps and switch when needed.
Individual WOD
5 rounds for time:
500/400-m row
20 Russian KB swings (as Heavy as possible for total load)
Post loads and times to the Zen.
1-2-3-4-5… etc.
Power clean 135/95lb
Deficit handstand push-up (4/2 in)
Post total reps to the Zen.
For load:
Push press 5,3,3,1,1
3 sets for load:
2 pause split jerks
1 split jerk
– Pause in the dip of the jerk for :01
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
40 Calories on the Row
30 Dumbbell Power Cleans 50/35lb (two dumbbells)
20 Burpee box overs 24/20"
One works while partner rests.
Individual WOD:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
20 Calories on the Row
15 Dumbbell Power Cleans 50/35lb (two dumbbells)
10 Burpee box overs 24/20"
3 sets for load:
2 dip squat snatches
1 hang squat snatch
– Dip is from the hip, and the hang is from above the knee.
2 drop sets:
1 complex @ 95%
1 complex @ 90%
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
23 box jump overs 24/20"
23 power snatches 75/55lb
23 overhead squats 75/55lb
23 knees-to-elbows
23 calories Row or Bike
One partner works while the other rests.
Post rounds to the Zen.
350 Randy Rd. Unit 5
Carol Stream, IL 60188
Call Us: (630) 738-0638
or get your free trial here.