
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes perform:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

If you fall behind the clock, keep going for the entire 30 minutes but the first time you fall behind and cannot complete the 5,10,15 reduce the reps to 4,8,12, if you fall behind on that rep scheme too then reduce to 3,6,9. If you fall behind on the 3,6,9 then just repeat that scheme as many times as you are able until the 30 minute time limit. The workout will be scored 3 points for the 5,10,15; then 2 points for the 4,8,12; and finally 1 point for the 3,6,9 rep scheme. If you REST at all you must drop down to the next level. For example, if you are doing 5-10-15 and rest a minute then you must begin the following minute with 4,8,12 and continue with that scheme from then on. You CANNOT switch back and forth between rep schemes.

Multiply rounds by their value and post to whiteboard and the Zen.


AMWAP (AsMuchWeightAsPossible) in 20minutes

10-8-6-4-2 Power Snatches add weight as you can.

200m run, 250m row or 1/4 mile on the bike after every round of power snatches.

The workout is scored by how much total tonnage you move in 20 minutes. When you reach the round of ‘2’ reps continue to repeat that round until the 20 minutes is up. Post total tonnage to the Zen.



Snatch 4x2 (go by feel)

Front Squat 3x3 (go heavy and stay the same weight all 3 sets)

For each lift you should warm up and then begin as heavy as possible. For the snatches maintain that through each set. If you can add weight on the last set you may, but if you are able to add more than 10% of your load then you didn’t start heavy enough and have three more sets to go.


3 Sets of:

Dragon Flags 5-10 reps

Supermans 10 reps



20 Minute AMRAP

3 Squat Cleans 95/65* (cannot start heavier)

3 Chest to bar pull ups

3 Handstand push ups

add weight as you can.

The goal is to move as much as weight as you can in the duration of the workout. The score will be the weight you lifted multiplied by each round you lifted that weight.

Example if you do 5 rounds at 95, then 5 rounds at 115, then 5 more rounds at 135 you will multiply the weights reps and rounds to get your total sum for the WOD. In this case the score would be a total of 5,175lbs.

Post total weight to the Zen.