Monday Labor Day


Partner Murph!

Run 1 mile

100 pull ups

200 push ups

300 Squats

Run 1 Mile

The entire workout will be done and completed between you and your partner. Both of you will run a total of 1 mile at the beginning and the end of the workout. The repetitions in the middle can be partitioned however you and your partner want to complete it, but only one can work at a time while the other rests. Have Fun!!

Shoulder Press


Strict Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1

Push Press 2-2-2-2-2

Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

Allow 20 minutes to complete sequence. Select weight based on feel… load will increase from strict to jerk.

WOD 2 - Strict Pull-up Conditioning

3 x 30 sec. hold: Hang from bar (work toward proper position on the bar… hollow body, bend at wrist/false grip.

3 x 15 sec lower: Start with chin over bar, lower to full extension in 15 sec.

3 x 5 reps - using rings and box, place feet on box in front of you and perform pull-up on rings, like ring row.

3 Ring pull-ups (do the best you can, but make the attempt).



For time:

with a continuously running clock you will

Run to Schmale rd. upon returning you will have exactly

10 minutes to find a 1 rep max in the deadlift.

You are only allowed to warm up a ‘blank’ barbell before the run.

In order for the 1 rep max to count, you CANNOT drop it. You must control the weight down.

Post your Schmale run time and your 1 rep max to the Zen.