

15 minute Time cap….

20 burpees

10 clean and jerks (power clean and split jerk is fine)

Beginning at 95/65lb you will add 20/15lb every round.

Every round will begin with 20 burpees and end with the completion of 10 clean and jerks. Tie breaker is when the athlete completes the 20 burpees. There is a 15 minute time cap, go for as many reps as you can achieve in this time frame. Speed through the burpees and lift with good technique!

Get ready for the Open!

Post total reps to the Zen.



Compliments of CrossFit HQ

Task Tabata
300 reps for time, following the pattern:

20 seconds of pull-ups
10 seconds of rest
20 seconds of push-ups
10 seconds of rest
20 seconds of sit-ups
10 seconds of rest
20 seconds of squats
10 seconds of rest

After the round of squats, begin again with the pull-ups. Keep a running total of reps and continue working until 300 reps are completed. Post time to the zen.


AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

1 Deadlift

1 Dumbbell Sea saw push press (right and left is one rep)*

2 Deadlifts

2 Dumbbell Sea saw push press

3 and 3 reps, 4 and 4 reps, keep adding a rep a round to each exercise until the timer goes off.

Deadlift: 225/155lb

Dumbbell: Pick a weight that is manageable but moderately heavy.

*Dumbbell Sea saw push press: holding two dumbbells and push pressing one at a time. Right and Left is ONE rep.

Do SLIPS after Workout.

Post rounds to the Zen.