3 rounds for time of:
20 Toes to the RINGS
20 burpees jump and touch the rings
run 400m
Post times to the Zen.
3 rounds for time of:
20 Toes to the RINGS
20 burpees jump and touch the rings
run 400m
Post times to the Zen.
3 Rounds for time of:
Run to Gary ave
50 Sit ups
50 Russian Swings 55lb
Post times to the Zen.
Bodyweight EMOM for 20 minutes:
First minute: Pass throughs on parallettes 10 reps (back and forth is one)
Second minute: Walking lunge in as few steps as possible in 100’ (two lengths of gym)*
Third minute: Push ups 40% of max.
Fourth minute: Bear Walk 100’ (straight legs and arms, just like in a warm up)
*The lunges, You have to complete the distance even if it bleeds into the following minute. The goal is to take as few steps as possible while meeting the requirements= distance, no hands and full extension.
Post push ups and total number of lunges you did to whiteboard and the Zen. Remember, the smaller the number the better!
Compliments of HQ and the CrossFit Games 2019
20 minute time cap.
30 clean and jerks 135/95lb
30 muscle-ups
30 snatches 135/95lb
Partition reps as needed. If you cannot do a muscle up you will do strict pull ups.
Front squat 5x3 @80% (5 sets of 3)
Back Squat 5x3 @80%
Push ups 5 sets @ 35%
Practice Scales before and after workout.
Post loads to the Zen.
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Chest to bar pull ups
10 Single arm dumbbell hang split snatches (alternating)
10 Box jumps 24/20”
10 Single arm dumbbell hang clean and split jerks (alternating)
These are power movements, and no squat is necessary.
Men use 50lb
Women use 35lb
Post times to the Zen.
10 rounds for time of: (30 minute time cap)
7 Burpees
10 Wall Balls (men 11’ height, women 10’ height)*
200m run
*Only count the ones that HIT the target.
Post times to the Zen.
3 rounds each for time of:
Row 500m
12 Strict pull ups
7 Snatches
Then spend 10 minutes working on L-sits
Post time and weight used for each round to the whiteboard and the zen.
Before the workout spend 10 minutes practicing Scales (front and back)
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 toes to bar
15 grasshoppers
Post times to the Zen
EMOM for 15 minutes Squat Cleans and jerks
For the first 5 minutes 3 reps and 1 jerk
Second 5 minutes 2 reps and 1 jerk
Third 5 minutes 1 rep and 1 jerk on the minute.
Box Back Squat 5x5 @ 80% of 1 rep.
and 5 sets of push ups at 35% of your max.
Post cleans to the Zen.
AMRAP in 25 minutes
10 wall climbs
20 pull ups
30 burpees
40 sit ups
50 squats
60 double unders
Post total reps completed to the whiteboard and the Zen.
3 rounds for time of:
15 power cleans 135/95lb
15 box jumps 24/20”
Run 400m
Post times to the Zen.
EMOM for 16 minutes:
Even: Front Squat 3 reps at 80% of max
Odd: Sea-Saw dumbbell shoulder press 5 reps per arm alternating*
*using two dumbbells, holding one bell at your shoulder press the opposite dumbbell overhead until lockout and head through the hole. bring it down and repeat. Focus on stability of the static bell on your shoulder.
Post workout, do 5 sets of push ups at 40% of max.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 bar facing over the bar burpee
3 deadlifts
6 bar facing over the bar burpee
6 deadlifts
9 bar facing over the bar burpee
9 deadlifts
Men use 24-in. box and deadlift 225 lb.
Women use 20-in. box and deadlift 155 lb.
Post rounds completed to the Zen.
After WOD, work on SCALES for 10 minutes.
20 minute AMRAP
1 Squat Snatch*
2 Muscle ups OR 4 Strict Pull ups
*You may use any weight and add or takeaway weight at anytime.
After WOD:
5 Sets of push ups at 35% of max
L-sit practice for 7 minutes
Post total weight snatched and total rounds to the Zen.
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Wall balls 20/14lb
21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb
Post times to the Zen.
15 minute AMRAP
10 Alternating Dumbbell power snatches 50/35lb
10 Toes to bar
10 Front rack Weighted walking lunges 50/35lb
Post rounds to the Zen
EMOM 20 minutes
Even: Back Squat 3-5 reps @ 75%
Odd: Muscle ups 3 reps*
*If you are unable to perform the Muscle up, you will do one of the following:
-Muscle up with a band support
-Strict Pull up 5-7reps
-Chest to bar pull ups 5-7 reps
-ring rows and push ups 3-7 reps each
3-5 rounds and 10 reps each of the following:
Push ups in a hollow or pike position (bodyweight program)
Supermans or Hip and Back Extensions
3 rounds for time of:
Run to Gary Ave
21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35lb
15 Box Jumps 24/20"
Post times to the Zen.
5 Rounds each for time and total weight of:
Row 30/21 Calories
10 Deadlifts (forward grip only)
Work on Scales post workout.
Post total time (excluding rest) and total weight lifted to the Zen.
350 Randy Rd. Unit 5
Carol Stream, IL 60188
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