
Bodyweight EMOM for 20 minutes:

First minute: Pass throughs on parallettes 10 reps (back and forth is one)

Second minute: Walking lunge in as few steps as possible in 100’ (two lengths of gym)*

Third minute: Push ups 40% of max.

Fourth minute: Bear Walk 100’ (straight legs and arms, just like in a warm up)

*The lunges, You have to complete the distance even if it bleeds into the following minute. The goal is to take as few steps as possible while meeting the requirements= distance, no hands and full extension.

Post push ups and total number of lunges you did to whiteboard and the Zen. Remember, the smaller the number the better!


EMOM for 16 minutes:

Even: Front Squat 3 reps at 80% of max

Odd: Sea-Saw dumbbell shoulder press 5 reps per arm alternating*

*using two dumbbells, holding one bell at your shoulder press the opposite dumbbell overhead until lockout and head through the hole. bring it down and repeat. Focus on stability of the static bell on your shoulder.

Post workout, do 5 sets of push ups at 40% of max.


EMOM 20 minutes

Even: Back Squat 3-5 reps @ 75%

Odd: Muscle ups 3 reps*

*If you are unable to perform the Muscle up, you will do one of the following:

-Muscle up with a band support

-Strict Pull up 5-7reps

-Chest to bar pull ups 5-7 reps

-ring rows and push ups 3-7 reps each


3-5 rounds and 10 reps each of the following:

Push ups in a hollow or pike position (bodyweight program)


Supermans or Hip and Back Extensions