
12 Days of Christmas! 8 Grasshoppers

7 Pull ups

6 Walking Lunges

5 BURPEES (yes you must sing it)

4 Front Squats

3 box Jumps

2 Wall Climbs

1 Power Clean


5 rounds for time of: 12 left-arm kettlebell snatches, 55/35lb* 12 right-arm kettlebell snatches, 55/35lb* 15-ft. rope climbs, 3 ascents** (alternate is 15 pull ups for 3 ascents of rope climbs) 250-m row Rest 3 minutes

*For the Kettlebell snatches, a portion of your ear must show in front of your bicep and bell overhead with elbow and shoulder locked out for a complete rep.

**For the rope climb you may "jump up" the rope to begin each ascent but you must control your descent until feet are on the ground. Also touch the metal frame at top of rope to reach the top.

Have Fun!!