/All lifters.... EMOM
15 minutes try to use same or similar loads as last week.
3 reps per minute,
First rep: Hang Power Clean
Second rep: Hang Squat Clean
Third rep: Jerk/Split Jerk
Add weight as you are able. Have fun and good luck!
Powerlifters 5,3,3,1,1+
Weightlifters 3x5 @78%
Work on a 3 point of contact plank. Meaning you will set up in the push up start position and work on raising one hand off of the ground for a minute, then replace hand and raise one foot off of the ground (in air) for one minute....etc. If you really want to take it to the next level figure out a way to support yourself with only two points of contact.... for a minute then take a picture and share!!
Working on bodyweight movements and bodyweight skill movements will improve your balance and strength.
Post loads to WODHOPPER!!!