/July 23rd we have a couple of awesome things going on! First in the morning we have the Kettlebell clinic that will be taught by my Kettlebell mentor Bob Garon. There will be a cost to members of only $35, and non-members $55. This will be a tentative one hour event that will most likely go a little longer to perfect our new skills. Second we have the CrossFit games that weekend and will be hosted by the Pajors at the Pajor Palace!! This is always a fun event with good paleo food that everyone brings and your choice of drink. Let us know by Wednesday if you plan to attend the KB clinic.
Front Squat 1 rep max
Snatch 3x5 (de-load... go by feel work on technique)
Front Squat 3x5 @77%
For time complete the following (1/4 Murph)
Run 400m
25 pull ups
50 push ups
75 squats
Run 400m
You may partition reps as needed to complete the WOD.
Post loads, 1 rep max and scores to WODHOPPER!!