WOD for the Weekend!!

Ok... since we are closed until the 5th of July, here is a little fun homework WOD you can do. 150 Burpees

300 Sit ups

For the burpees you can do either the burpee, up-down, the push up or some form of a dip or a plank.

For the sit ups you can also do V-ups, grasshoppers or any form of 'AB' exercise you can come up with.

You can do this workout in anyway you want. You can do all reps at once, break them up into two WOD's or many little mini WOD's throughout the weekend. Also change up the exercises and partition however you seem to get the most out of it.

Do it for time, Do it for form, do it for fun!

Enjoy your weekend everyone and post your "WOD" to the comments... or Facebook or text your WOD buddy!