/Push Up program: Bottom of push up plank hold to push up.
You will hold the bottom of the push up for 10 second intervals and then perform the push up.
The bottom will be your chest 1″ from the ground with only your hands and feet touching the floor. The goal is to hold this for 10 seconds, then press to lockout and then back down for another 10 seconds. The goal is 25 for guys and 17 for the ladies, there is a 5 minute time cap. Note you may assume any rest position (even laying on ground).
Deadlift 5,3,3,1,1+
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Toes to bar
Pass throughs on the paralletes (back and forth is one rep)
Grasshoppers (left and right is one rep)
Post times to WODHOPPER!!