
It is really helpful to everyone if you RSVP to class!!! If you cannot utilize, or have the app on your phone, you can do it right from our website. On the left side of the main page are tabs taking you right to the RSVP page. Thank you!! On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

7 pull ups

6 walking lunges


4 front squats

3 box jumps

2 wall climbs

1 power clean



EMOM Clean and Jerk for 15 minutes

5 minutes of 1 rep @ 75%

5 minutes of 1 rep @ 80%

5 minutes of 1 rep @ 85%

Clean Pull 3 x3 at 110%

Back Squat 3x3 @ 75% (go deep and pause at bottom)

Power lifting:

Back Squat 5,3,3,1,1+


Conditioning is always optional and this is only a suggestion:

2-3 Rounds not for time: