We are starting our strength program(s) back up. You will have two choices, either the Olympic Weightlifting program, which we will call "Weightlifting", similar to what we had just finished or what we have done in the past which we will call the "Power lifting" program. Note the Weightlifting program will be done around 3 days a week and the Power program around 3-4 days.
Now you may stick to one program for a cycle and see how that works for you, or do one one week and the other the next week but I highly recommend you remain consistent. There will be metcons' (WOD's) programmed for almost everyday. If there is no metcon then don't do any, you will need the rest.
Weightlifitng: (from here on out there will be no base number associated with the Weightlifting programming and you will use your 1 rep max as a guide.)
Snatch 3x3 @70% Snatch Pull 100% Front Squat 75%
Power Lifting:
Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5+
10 minute AMRAP
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 55/35
10 Grasshoppers
10 push ups (note: if your chest is not touching the ground then it is not a proper push up and is not Rx)
Post rounds and fractions of rounds to WODHOPPER!!!!