/Warm ups.... As you saw Friday, the group warm ups are extremely effective in prepping you for the workout and getting everyone on the same page to start a workout together. As much as possible we will be having group warm ups every hour. If you need a little extra before or after the group warm up that is OK please just make the time to do so by either arriving early, or talking to one of us during the warm up. If you arrive late, which we understand you have a life outside the gym, we ask that you jump into the warm up or if you missed it entirely please warm up quickly and we will get you moving into the workout ASAP. We want to avoid having a running clock and ideally have everyone start a WOD at the same time. As always we try to accommodate everyone's needs because that is good customer service but we are also a community and everyone benefits when we all work together to make this great community.
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Run 200m
5 Burpees
10 Russian Swings 55/35lb
15 pull ups
Post rounds to the Zen.