
If you want to donate to "Mike and Friends lifts 100" Click Here! For more info on all of this and to find out more on how to join a team click here!!


Shoulder press 5,5,5,5,5+


Jerk/Split or Push: 3x3@ 84%

Push Press 3x3 @ 100% of shoulder press


4 rounds for time:

Run 400m

Broad Jump 50 feet


*every broad jump made to complete the 50 feet will be multiplied by 2 and that is how many burpees you will do per round.

So if you jumpde 8 times to complete the 50 feet of broad jumps you will have to do 16 burpees....and if you are inches short of your goal that is still another jump. Diving forward is not a broad jump. The jump distance is determined by where your feet land and not your hands, so you will not be faulted if you fall backwards, but you will not gain any distance if you fall forwards either.

Post loads and times (and how many burpees you were doing per round in notes) to WODHOPPER!!