/Lets start this week off right! Powerlifting:
Front Squat 5,5,5 (de-load)
Snatch 3x3 @81%
Front Squat 3x3 @81%
From 0:00-3:00, perform 3 rounds of: 3 pull-ups 6 push-ups 9 squats From 3:00-6:00, perform 3 rounds of: 4 pull-ups 8 push-ups 12 squats From 6:00-9:00, perform 3 rounds of: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats From 9:00-12:00, perform 3 rounds of: 6 pull-ups 12 push-ups 18 squats
Continue for as long as possible until you cannot complete 3 rounds within the 3-minute window. Every 3 minutes add 1 additional pull-up, 2 additional push-ups and 3 additional squats.
Post loads and TOTAL reps to WODHOPPER!! In notes post what minute mark you made it to.