

For time: 12 handstand push-ups (you can try the rings if you are feeling it!) 155/110-lb. back squats, 15 reps* 20 burpees 9 handstand push-ups 135/95-lb. front squats, 18 reps* 20 burpees 6 handstand push-ups 115/80-lb. overhead squats, 21 reps* 20 burpees


12 Push Jerks 115/80 155/110-lb. back squats, 15 reps* 20 burpees 9 Push Jerks 115/80 135/95-lb. front squats, 18 reps* 20 burpees 6 Push Jerks 115/80 115/80-lb. overhead squats, 21 reps* 20 burpees

*You may take the weight off of the rack, BUT, the bar will start on the floor and you must power clean it up and put it in the rack  then pick it up to squat it. This must happen each set. You cannot re-rack it and then place on you back/front to squat. It must be power cleaned up to rack first.

Example, you clean it up and put in rack and proceed to do 10 back squats, then drop it on floor and re-clean it and put it in rack to continue squats.