/Tomorrow (Saturday the 23rd) we are having a Kettlebell clinic that will begin at 10:30am until noon. There will not be an open gym and we will open for registration and warm up for the Kettlebell clinic at 10am. Also, we will have the CrossFit Games party at the Pajor Palace.... start time will be at 18:30. Address will be posted in the gym.
Due to the weather (possible thunderstorms or the inferno temps) you may choose between running WOD A or the indoor version WOD B!
4 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 Dumbbell Power Snatches 45/30lb
21 Wall balls 20/14
4 rounds for time of:
100 feet of bear crawls
21 Dumbbell Power Snatches 45/30lb
21 Wall balls 20/14
Post times to WODHOPPER!!!!!