/As I mentioned Monday, we are currently in the process of switching our email system. Thanks to those of you who have already confirmed. As all confirmation emails have now been sent out, if you haven't confirmed yet, please do so before Saturday as the old email system will be shutdown then. If you haven't received the confirmation email yet, please either talk to a coach or manually sign up on the website. Next week is Murph for Miller!! This is a serious WOD that serves a serious purpose. Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest Homeless Veterans Shelter a local charity that provides housing and support to service men and women in our area. Our friends at CrossFit Tri-Cities have hosted this even for the past 9 years and we have been acting like a satellite location to anyone that is not willing to make the trip to St. Charles for their event. All are welcome to participate in this event.
Run 1 mile... (this is supposed to be a 65-75% effort)
AMRAP in 20 minute of:
5 Handstand Push ups
10 Power Cleans
15 Toes to bar
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
10 Power Cleans 115/80lb
10 Push Jerks 115/80
15 toes to bar
Post rounds completed to WODHOPPER!!!