Saturday TEAM WOD!

WOD With two person teams:

20 Minute AMRAP

Power Cleans*

60 Wall Balls 20/14

40 Burpees

*The repetitions for the power clean will vary depending which weight you choose. The reps are for the team not per individual.

155/110lb 10 reps

135/95lb  16 reps

115/80lb 22 reps

95/65  28 reps

75/55  32 reps

Power Cleans: Only one person may be working on the cleans at once. You may partition the reps as desired.

Wall balls: one person will be throwing the med ball, the other will hold the barbell in the rack position while they wait their turn. If they drop the bar the other person must stop the wall balls. You may switch off as much as needed.

Burpees: Both members of the team may work on the burpees together.