
The final Open WOD 16.5 is tomorrow... Today we will do some prep work. I am predicting heavy thrusters or a thruster ladder. As far as other exercises to accompany it I am not certain but I know it will not be easy and as history has shown us it has been a timed workout and the clock is running until you are finished. MOBILITY


2 rounds not for time:

10 Russian Kettlebell swings

10 Kettlebell snatches per arm

10 walking lunges (long strides, dont use your hands to push off leg)

10 pull ups (strict, reduce reps if necessary)

10 GHD sit ups

10 Hip and Back extesnions

10 Pistol Progressions on box 30/24" (per leg)

Take your time, be precise and methodical with each movement. Practice full range of motion.


Please RSVP to class.