/I hope everyone had a good Christmas weekend! Now it is time to get a little work done before the New Year begins! Tuesday (tomorrow) we will be doing the CrossFit total. It is a good day to show up, and show up early and get warmed up, share a bar and do some lifting to end 2015. The lifts for the Total are the Back Squat, shoulder press and the deadlift all for a 1 rep max and to be done in that order. There will not be a WOD on this day (Tuesday). Mondays WOD is for Monday..... etc. This Saturday the 2nd of January is a GREAT time to bring in someone you know who wants to turn their fitness around. Don't let them get suckered into a globo gyms myths, instead bring them to your favorite place to try another partner WOD.
Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 Strict Pull ups 15 Steps, Walking Lunge
Alternate WOD:
5 Push press or Jerks (a strict press is not allowed) 115/80lb
10 pull ups
15 steps, walking lunge
Post rounds completed to WODHOPPER!!