/Christmas Party tonight!! We close at 6 so we can all get to the party. We are also closed tomorrow so we can enjoy the party tonight. On the Third day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
3 Box jumps,
2 Wall climbs
1 power clean
WOD #1
5 rounds of:
5 Handstand push ups (alternate push press/jerk 115/80lb)
4 Box Jumps 36/28"
3 Turkish get ups 55/35lb (per arm)
2 Muscle Ups (alternate 2 rope climbs or 4 chest to bar pull ups and 4 dips) {designate what you did...any of them count as Rx}
1 Power Clean 185/130lb
Rest 2 minutes... keep track of round times on whiteboard, post total time minus the rest (8 minutes) to WODHOPPPER!!!!
WOD #2
20 minute amrap of:
7 Dumbbell Hang Power cleans 45/30lb
10 walking lunges, Dumbbells in front rack 45/30lb
12 burpees
Post rounds and fractions of rounds to WODHOPPER!!!!