Black Friday
/Open hours: 9 and 10 am we will have workouts, at 11:30 we will have Yoga for Athletes that will be FREE to all CFCS members! WOD
2 rounds of:
20 Hang Power Snatches 95/65lb
30 Wall Balls
Then do
50 Box Jumps 24/20"
Then do
2 rounds of:
30 Sumo Deadlift High pulls 95/65lb
20 Pull Ups
Burpee Extra bonus in a minute!! AMRAP of burpees in one minute, every burpee is one more second off of your total time for above WOD. The minute to do the burpees is not included in your time of the WOD but will be started immediately after you call time for the WOD. (this is optional)
Post times to WODHOPPER!!!!!!