
I won't post the photo(s) that can visually describe the benefits of Weightlifting over only doing cardio, but if you click "here" you will see the photo stream and a ton of articles talking about this subject. Here is WEBMD explaining the benefits to Weightlifting and doing Cardio. And take into consideration they are not talking about how we have been training the past few weeks. They are more likely talking about the average globo gym attendee that uses weight machines. Anyways....

Team WOD this Saturday!


Snatch – 5 x 1 Snatch Pull – 3 x 2 Front Squat – 3 x 2


Not for time:

Row 500m

50 burpees


OR if you "SKIP" the weightlifting do the below:

For time:

Row 500m

50 burpees

Row 500m

35 burpees

Row 500m

20 burpees