/Alright! Tomorrow is the bring a friend partner WOD! Lets change some lives together.
I know we have been doing a ton of lifting lately. We are trying out a new format and will see how everyone does and feels at the end of the four weeks. I just ask for everyone to participate, be patient, and give it a go and trust the programming. At the end of the four weeks we want your feedback and we can reassess.
That being said.... CrossFit is having a liftoff competition.
Here is the competition WOD:
Rx'd Workout
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 snatches
6 clean and jerks
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
54 double-unders
M 135 lb., F 105 lb.
Alternate Rx, (Competition Scaled Workout)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 snatches
6 clean and jerks
9 pull-ups
54 single-unders
M 95 lb., F 65 lb.
Post total reps to WODHOPPER!!