/This Saturday... Halloween WOD!! Come in wearing a costume (its for fun) and lets do a WOD together.
Again weights should be moderately heavy. Please record your lifts either in WODHOPPER or paper or however you deem necessary in order to keep track of what you are lifting during this cycle. We will be increasing loads and possibly volume throughout this cycle. It is important to keep track.
Power Snatch – 5 x 2 Power Clean & Power Jerk (push jerk)– 5 x 2 Overhead Squat – 3 x 3*
*For the Overhead squat, do a weight that is challenging but allows you to go way below parallel, not just breaking parallel but as if you received the weight during a snatch and are looking to simulate that lift. We need to feel comfortable in the bottom of the squat.
4 rounds for time of:
10 L pull ups (alternate strict pull ups..or assisted strict)
20 Grasshoppers
Post Snatch and clean loads to WODHOPPER, also post time to WODHOPPER!!!