
MAX EFFORT Back Squat 5,3,3,1,1+

Or 5 rounds of 1-3 reps at 90%


AMRAP in 15 minutes

5 Chest to bar pull ups

10 Hand Release push ups*

15 Kettlebell swings 55/35**


*Powerfit games, and our standard are and always will be for the push up to be chest to deck and move in a plank. For this particular exercise the hands will be lifted while the chest rests on the ground, then the body moves as one unit, a plank, until locked out. A snake movement or chest lifting up first is not a proper rep and will be a NO REP for all of you powerfit athletes.

Tip: For the hand release, as you lift your hands off the ground then drive them into ground hard to push your chest back up. Almost slapping the ground.

**Kettlebell swings: Wrist, arms, shoulders, shoulders and feet should all be aligned with the bell inverted overhead. And for you powerfit athletes if that standard is not met it will again be a no rep.


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