/Today at 9am our own Mary K. will be conducting a running clinic! Saturday: team WOD at 10:30 sign up by clicking here
The first week in October we will be having another bring a friend partner WOD. If you have to bring the same friend from last time because they just arent sure yet... BRING THEM we will get them hooked yet!
Halloween is on a Saturday this year which means we will be having a Halloween Costume WOD! Lets make it a fun day, have some food and do some burpees, any input is welcome. Wearing a costume is kind of the fun of it, so be creative. I wonder what super heroes would show up?
AMRAP in 20 minutes of
Run 400m*
9 Thrusters 95/65lb
9 Toes to bar
*For this WOD the run will be counted as 1 rep, but a finished rep is only if you make it inside the building before the timer beeps. parking lot, trail, just stepping outside to begin a run does not count as rep. IF you can move the ugly machine away from our side of the parking lot at anytime during the WOD you will win for the day. Thank you!
Post rounds and fractions of rounds to WODHOPPER.